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听电影学英语-返老还童 19

时间:2011-03-18 06:17来源:互联网 提供网友:gr556746   字体: [ ]

  [00:01.36]And he just put it right into the production. I mean, can you imagine that? 他就把这一段编进舞蹈 你能想像吗?
[00:07.36]Like in classical ballet. You know, a dancer intentionally1 falling 古典芭蕾舞伶不会故意摔倒
[00:11.00]There’s a whole new word for dance now. It’s called abstract 这是全新的舞蹈风格 这叫抽象舞
[00:16.28]He’s not the only one, though 不是只有他这么做
[00:16.92]There’s Lincoln Kirstein and Lucia Chase... 还有柯尔斯坦和蔡斯
[00:20.28]...and oh, my, there’s Agnes de Mille 天啊,还有德米尔
[00:24.96]She’s torn up all those conventions, all that straight up and down stuff 她打破所有传统 彻底颠覆正统的芭蕾舞
[00:28.84]It’s not about the formality of the dance, it’s about what the dancer’s feeling 重点是舞者的感觉,不是形式
[00:32.32]BENJAMIN; And she told me about this big new world 她让我看到全新的世界
[00:33.32]Names that didn’t mean a thing to me 好多我没听过的名字
[00:37.36]I didn’t really hear very much of what she was saying 我不是很了解她说的话
[00:39.04]DAISY; It’s new and it’s modern and it’s American 只知道很新颖、很摩登、很美式
[00:41.56]They understand our vigor2 and our physicality 他们了解舞者的活力和身体
[00:44.96]Oh, my God. I’ve just been talking and talking 天啊,我一直讲个不停
[00:46.00]No, no, I’ve enjoyed listening 没关系,我喜欢听
[00:50.40]I didn’t know you smoked 我不知道你食烟
[00:50.96]I’m old enough 我年纪够大了
[00:55.96]I’m old enough for a lot of things 我年纪够做很多事情
[01:03.36]In New York, we stay up all night 我们在纽约都玩到天光
[01:05.92]Watch the sun come up over the warehouses3 看着太阳从仓库上面升起
[01:11.20]There’s always something to do 总是有好玩的事可做
[01:31.28]-I have to go back tomorrow. -Aw 我明天就得回去
[01:35.64]-So soon. -Wish I could stay - 这么快 - 真希望能待久一点
[01:41.72]Dancers don’t need costumes or scenery anymore 舞者不再需要舞蹈服装或布景
[01:44.16]I can imagine dancing completely naked 我能想像自己光着身子跳舞
[01:50.44]Have you read D. H. Lawrence? 你看过劳伦斯的书吗?
[01:51.16]-Well, I-- -His books were banned - 我 - 他的小说被禁
[01:53.72]The words are like making love 他写的字字句句都像在做爱
[02:42.84]In our company... 芭蕾舞团的成员
[02:45.84]...we have to trust each other 都得互相信任
[02:51.96]Sex... 性爱
[02:55.96]...is a part of it 是其中一部分
[03:00.80]You know, a lot of the dancers are lesbians 很多女舞者都是同性恋
[03:06.20]There was one woman who wanted to sleep with me 有一个女舞者想跟我上床
[03:14.32]Does that upset you? 这会让你不高兴吗?
[03:18.44]Somebody wanting to sleep with me 有人想跟我上床
[03:18.92]Which part? 哪一点?
[03:21.20]You’re a desirable woman. I would think most of them would wanna sleep with you 你是个很诱人的美女 那些舞者一定都想跟你上床

  [03:27.04]Let’s go back to the house 我们回去吧
[03:30.04]Or we could get a room somewhere 或是可以到酒店开房间
[03:36.24]We could lay down your jacket 把你的外套脱掉
[03:37.48]I don’t know, Daisy. It’s not that I wouldn’t like to or anything 我不晓得,黛丝 我并不是不想
[03:41.96]I think I’d just disappoint you 我只是害怕让你失望
[03:44.84]Oh, Benjamin, I’ve been with older men 班哲明 我有同年纪大的男人做过
[03:48.44]You’re going back to New York in the morning 你一早就要回纽约
[03:51.40]You should be with your friends 你应该回去朋友身边
[03:54.52]-You’re only young once. -Oh, I’m old enough - 你只会年轻一次 - 我又不是小孩子了
[03:56.36]Daisy, just-- Not tonight is all 黛丝,只是今晚不得
[04:13.08]We could go hear some music 我们可以去听音乐
[04:18.96]BENJAMIN; Our lives are defined by opportunities 机会决定每个人的一生
[04:20.72]Even the ones we miss 错过的机会也算在内
[04:23.64]He looked so handsome... 他看起来好有型
[04:25.48]...and so distinguished4 好有架势
[04:28.08]They’re saying the hurricane’s gonna miss us, blow on by 听说咙风会偏向,闪过这里
[04:30.28]-Oh, that’s great. -I’ll stay under the blankets with Mother - 那真是太好了 - 我要和妈妈盖同一张被子
[04:36.04]She said nothing would.... 她说什么都不会
[04:39.32]Benjamin? 班哲明?
[04:41.92]"Things were becoming different for me." 我的身体一直在变化
[04:42.92]BENJAMIN; My hair had very little gray and grew like weeds 头发变黑,长得像杂草一样快
[04:46.00]My sense of smell was keener. My hearing, more acute 嗅觉更灵敏,听觉更敏锐
[04:52.08]I could walk further and faster 我可以走得更快更远
[04:55.12]While everybody else was aging, I was getting younger... 别人都在变老,我却变年轻
[04:58.92]...all alone 孤单一人


1 intentionally 7qOzFn     
  • I didn't say it intentionally. 我是无心说的。
  • The local authority ruled that he had made himself intentionally homeless and was therefore not entitled to be rehoused. 当地政府裁定他是有意居无定所,因此没有资格再获得提供住房。
2 vigor yLHz0     
  • The choir sang the words out with great vigor.合唱团以极大的热情唱出了歌词。
  • She didn't want to be reminded of her beauty or her former vigor.现在,她不愿人们提起她昔日的美丽和以前的精力充沛。
3 warehouses 544959798565126142ca2820b4f56271     
仓库,货栈( warehouse的名词复数 )
  • The whisky was taken to bonded warehouses at Port Dundee. 威士忌酒已送到邓迪港的保稅仓库。
  • Row upon row of newly built warehouses line the waterfront. 江岸新建的仓库鳞次栉比。
4 distinguished wu9z3v     
  • Elephants are distinguished from other animals by their long noses.大象以其长长的鼻子显示出与其他动物的不同。
  • A banquet was given in honor of the distinguished guests.宴会是为了向贵宾们致敬而举行的。
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