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  • 英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 01 [00:02.84]Why? 为什么打他? [00:05.92]He said my dad ran off because he didn't like me. 他说爸爸是因为不喜欢我才走的 [00:10.80]Honey, your father never met you, 宝贝,你爸爸根本没有见过你 [00:11.56]so how could he not
  • 英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 02 [00:03.72]Thank you. 谢谢你 [00:22.32]There's so much press. 外面有好多记者 [00:25.40]Yours is a story with a happy ending, Mrs. Collins. 因为你的故事有个好的结局 柯林斯太太 [00:26.28]People love happy endings. 大家都喜欢
  • 英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 03 [00:05.12]Mrs. Collins? Yes? 柯林斯太太? 是我 [00:06.52]Dr. Earl W. Tarr. 我是伊尔塔尔医生 [00:07.32]Captain Jones sent me. 是琼斯上尉派我来的 [00:08.72]I consult with him from time to time on juvenile cases. 我一直帮助他
  • 英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 04 [00:02.84]Damn you! 你真该死! [00:06.60]I want my son back! 我要我的儿子回来! [00:41.24]I was wrong to yell at you. 我不应该对你大吼大叫的 [00:47.76]You're just a child 你只是个孩子 [00:51.16]and I don't think you know
  • 英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 05 [00:04.16]The LAPD wanted to wipe out the competition. 洛杉矶警局是想要消灭竞争 [00:06.72]Mayor Cryer and half the force are on the take. 克瑞尔市长和炮团里一半的人都有入股 [00:09.12]iGambling, prostitution, bootlegging,
  • 英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 06 [00:08.04]This way, miss. 这边,女士 [00:09.32]Why are we going in the back? 为什么我们要从后面绕? [00:10.88]Captain's orders. Front's jammed with reporters. 这是上尉的命令,前面都是记者 [00:20.68]Please, sit down, miss
  • 英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 07 [00:04.36]Stop! Stop it! Stop it! 站住!给我站住!站住! [00:05.72]Stop it! Stop it or I'll push your face through this floor! 别动!再动我就把你的脸摁到地板里去 [00:09.24]Stop it! 别动! [00:10.80]Fine! 好吧! [00:1
  • 英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 08 [00:00.74]iI always knew when we were getting ready to leave./i 我们准备离开农场的时候我就得 [00:08.46]iClean up the car./i 把车擦干净 [00:10.54]iMake sure the tires were good./i 确认轮胎都有气 [00:14.22]iCheck the engine./i
  • 英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 09 [00:06.42]Oh, God. 哦,我的老天 [00:07.78]Well, he's lying. 好吧,他是在撒谎 [00:08.66]Have you gone soft in the head, Les? 你脑子抽风了么?莱斯? [00:11.06]Twenty kids, sir. 整整二十个孩子,长官 [00:12.58]iHe's pla
  • 英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 10 [00:12.66]Call it in. 叫他进来 [00:15.94]in a 20-mile radius here inside the hour. 让他们1个小时内到 [00:17.26]Get the coroner and every officer 去叫验尸官来 把方圆20英里内所有的警察叫来 [00:19.02]Then put out an APB on
  • 英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 11 [00:01.02]People are gonna want to know why we haven't found him. 人们会开始想,为什么我们没有找到那小子 [00:02.10]Why we're not doing our job. 为什么我们连尽职尽责都做不到 [00:04.98]But if, on the other hand, 相对的
  • 英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 12 [00:03.70]I'm afraid it never gets any easier. 恐怕没有那么容易放下吧 [00:06.98]I lost a daughter to polio five years ago. 5年前我的女儿因为小儿麻痹症去世了 [00:09.90]There's not a day goes by when I don't think, 我每一天
  • 英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 13 [00:02.74]The Lord works in mysterious ways, Mrs. Collins. 上帝的行事必然有他的道理,柯林斯太太 [00:05.90]Boy, does he ever. 真的吗? [00:30.18]There are more people gathered in this chamber than have ever been in this room befo
  • 英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 14 [00:05.50]Escorted, thrown, the verb doesn't matter, Captain. 护送,强制,用什么样的动词都没有区别,上尉 [00:10.90]What does matter is that her incarceration was ordered without a warrant. 问题在于她是在没有逮捕令的情
  • 英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 15 [00:04.42]When Walter was here, I used to walk by his room 沃特还没失踪的时候 我经常在他睡觉的时候 [00:07.18]And even though I couldn't see him or hear him, 就算现在我再也看不到他,也听不到他的声音 [00:07.22]whe