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听电影学英语-结婚大作战 03

时间:2011-03-18 03:21来源:互联网 提供网友:gr556746   字体: [ ]

  [00:08.48]I’m engaged! 我订婚了
[00:11.76]Can we get four tequila shots?        No. No. 上四杯龙舌兰 好吗?       不 不
[00:16.44]No, no, no. None for me. 不 不 不 我不要
[00:17.32]Oh, right.       I’m fine. 行啊      这个就行
[00:19.32]Acapulco, 2006 Emma and Fletcher on a break. 2006年的阿卡普尔科 艾玛和弗莱彻闹分手
[00:24.32]"Never talk about that weekend again." "永远不要再跟我提那个周末"
[00:26.60]"I’m so lonely and confused, and very thirsty. Please, Miguel" "我孤独郁闷 还很饥渴 拜托 米凯尔"
[00:29.76]Okay, okay, okay. Make it stop. Please. 好了 好了 拜托别说了
[00:32.84]All right, a toast. 好了 祝酒
[00:35.12]To Liv- Congratulations to an amazing friend. 致丽芙 祝贺我们这位出色的朋友
[00:37.44]And condolences to Emma, Liv’s maid of honor1. 同时哀悼艾玛 丽芙的伴娘
[00:39.64]She will surely be the most nightmarish2 bride ever. 她肯定会是有史以来最难熬的伴娘
[00:41.88]It is my burden and mine alone. 这是我的职责 而且只能是我的
[00:43.88]I’ll be repaying3 the favor very soon. Cheers.        Drink up. 我很快就会报复回来的 干杯     干杯
[00:46.48]What did I rush down here for? 让我急冲冲赶来是为了什么?
[00:48.60]Nate! I’m getting married. 内特 我要结婚了
[00:50.12]Get out.        Yeah. 少来     真的
[00:54.04]Oh, my God. Sister’s gettin’ married here. 哦 上帝 我妹妹要结婚了
[00:56.04]Where’s-Where’s the groom4?        Oh. Oh. He’s not here. 新郎在哪?      他不在这
[00:59.28]Well, he hasn’t actually popped the question yet. 事实上他还没求婚呢
[01:01.80]A toast-To Daniel... 敬丹尼尔
[01:05.88]who in his own world is just working late. 在他的认知里 他不过是在加班
[01:07.44]but I guess in Liv’s world has just proposed5. 但在丽芙看来他刚刚求了婚
[01:09.44]So God bless him for wanting... 上帝保佑他 因为他
[01:11.44]to spend his life with my sister in any world. 想和我妹妹共渡余生
[01:12.20]To Liv.        We love ya. 敬丽芙      我们爱你
[01:17.16]He’s a lucky guy. 他是个幸运的男人
[01:17.80]Yep. The biggest day of a girl’s life. 是啊 女孩一生中的大日子
[01:22.24]I’m gonna be right back. 我马上就回来
[01:32.08]Damn. Should I?       I got it. 该死 我该去吗?     我去吧
[01:49.28]I mean, they didn’t get to see me graduate law school... 他们都没看到我从法学院毕业
[01:55.16]or read Nate’s first story in New York magazine. 也没读到内特第一篇发表在纽约杂志的文章
[01:59.64]So I can’t share this with ’em. 这次我也不能与他们分享

  [02:03.00]I wish your parents could be here too. 我也希望你的父母能在这
[02:07.96]Whatever. It’s fine. I’m fine. 管他的 没关系 我没事
[02:11.44]Liv, you’re only human. 丽芙 你是个人
[02:13.44]You don’t have to have it together every minute of every day. 你不需要每时每刻都冷静自持
[02:19.52]Former chubby6 girls-We’re made of steel. 曾经的胖姑娘 我们都是钢铁打造的
[02:22.48]And Splenda. We survive. 还有斯普兰达 我们是熬过来的
[02:26.00]Well, first of all, you weren’t fat. 首先 你并不胖
[02:28.44]But, yes, you do survive. 但是 是的 你是熬过来的
[02:32.84]Thanks, Em.        You’re welcome, Liv. 谢谢 艾玛     不客气 丽芙
[02:34.84]You’re gonna be the best maid of honor. 你会是最棒的伴娘
[02:35.44]Yes, I am.       What do we do first? 是的 我是     我们先做什么?
[02:38.00]First- Oh! I was thinking. 首先  我想
[02:40.00]It might be a good idea to actually get the proposal7. 让人先把婚求了才对吧
[02:43.60]See? It’s that head for details. 看 这就是心思细密的人
[02:45.04]...people watching this performance at home. ...人们在家里带着无数疑问
[02:45.64]Yeah, right? I know. 是吧? 我就知道
[02:47.44]with a huge question mark. 欣赏这次表演
[02:50.24]Hey, babe? I don’t think they sent us any fortune cookies. 嘿 宝贝? 我想他们没送幸运饼干来
[02:52.72]No, they sent ’em. I got them right here. 他们送了 就在我这呢
[02:57.92]Oh, good. 哦 好的
[02:58.28]Okay. Here we are. 好了 给你
[03:02.28]I’m just cuing it up. 我
[03:04.32]This guy’s gotta go. I’m sorry. I know you like him. 这家伙该走人了 我很抱歉 我知道你不喜欢他
[03:07.52]He’s very pitchy.        You know, Fletch, that is actually a real thing. 他真是荒腔走掉      弗莱其 那词是有意义的
[03:08.64]Pitchy. It’s not just code8 for someone you don’t like. 荒腔走调 不只是用来形容某个人是惹你讨厌的
[03:11.08]Oh, okay. You’re pitchy. 好吧 你真荒腔走调
[03:13.08]Oh, uh, that one’s mine. 那个是我的
[03:16.96]Please.        You’re really calling dibs on fortune cookies now? 给我     你现在对幸运饼干都要宣布所有权了?
[03:18.36]Yeah. It’s on the right side.        Okay, it’s fine. 是的  这个是在右边的      好吧 没关系
[03:20.68]But if your fortune’s better than mine, I’m claiming it. 但要是你的幸运语比我的好 那可要归我
[03:20.76]Yours is the left. 你的是左边的
[03:24.52]I don’t think it will be.        Okay. Are you ready? 我想不会     好了 准备好了吗?
[03:25.84]One-        Two. 一      二

  [03:27.48]Three. 三
[03:37.52]What’s this? 这是什么?
[03:39.52]I put a lot of thought into where I was gonna do this... 我想了很久我该在哪里做
[03:43.72]and, uh, I wanna do it here. 最后我决定在这
[03:46.28]This is our home... 这是我们的家
[03:48.28]and if I’m 99 years old and we’re doing exactly this in our home- 如果我99岁的时候 我们还在家里做同样的事
[03:53.28]TV and gettin’ Chinese food- 看电视 吃中餐外卖
[03:56.16]that’ll be good enough for me. 那对我来说就够好了
[04:01.48]So, Emma Allan? 那么 艾玛·爱伦?
[04:04.52]Will you marry me? 你愿意嫁给我吗?
[04:06.56]Yes. Yes. 是的 是的
[04:10.44]It didn’t happen tonight. 今晚没成
[04:11.92]But I’m not worried, ’cause I’m sure Daniel’s-        I-I’m engaged. 但我不担心 因为我肯定丹尼尔      我订婚了
[04:15.04]Fletcher just proposed, like, two minutes ago. 两分钟前 弗莱彻刚向我求婚了
[04:20.36]I’m engaged. 我订婚了
[04:22.36]Color?        Colorless. 颜色    无色
[04:25.24]Cut?        Brilliant. 切割?     明亮式
[04:26.44]Clarity?        Slightly included. 净度?        略有内含物
[04:28.32]Carat?        Almost, maybe just under. 克拉?      快1克了 也许稍小些
[04:31.24]More than he could afford, I’m sure. 我肯定超出他的承受能力了
[04:34.48]Engaged? Wow! 订婚了?
[04:39.48]Liv’s engaged. You’re engaged. 丽芙订婚了 你也订婚了
[04:40.48]That’s-That’s- 太 太
[04:44.04]C-Can I call you back? 我过会给你打过去?
[04:51.40]What do you mean Emma’s engaged? 你说艾玛订婚了是什么意思?
[04:52.12]No. Of course I’m happy. Why wouldn’t I be happy? 不 我当然高兴 我怎么会不高兴呢?
[04:56.80]I think it’s great. Yeah. 我觉得这很好 是的
[04:59.08]No, you don’t have to come here. I’m fine.  不 你不必过来 我没事
[04:59.60]I’m not gonna eat anything. Okay. 我什么都不会吃的 好的
[05:00.32]And I have the perfect wedding present. 我有个很棒的结婚礼物


1 honor IQDzL     
  • I take your visit as a great honor.您的来访是我莫大的光荣。
  • It is a great honor to receive that prize.能拿到那个奖是无上的光荣。
2 nightmarish bfc353adad4ccf3ef9c4183859b65ddd     
  • The party began to take on an unreal, almost nightmarish quality. 聚会开始呈现出虚幻、近乎梦魇般的气氛。
  • The result of these experiments will be a nightmarish world filled with two-headed monsters and other mutants. 这些试验的结果将造成一个可怕的世界,充满了双头怪和其他怪物。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 repaying 078e85236986e0435ac7181b78646bcc     
偿还( repay的现在分词 ); 付还; 报答; 酬报
  • He tried to pacify his creditors by repaying part of the money. 他为安抚债权人偿还了部分借款。
  • It will deplete its cash balance by repaying last week's loan. 它会因偿付它上周的借款而耗尽它的现金余额。
4 groom 0fHxW     
  • His father was a groom.他父亲曾是个马夫。
  • George was already being groomed for the top job.为承担这份高级工作,乔治已在接受专门的培训。
5 proposed dkDzql     
  • There is widespread discontent among the staff at the proposed changes to pay and conditions. 员工对改变工资和工作环境的建议普遍不满。
  • an outcry over the proposed change 对拟议的改革所发出的强烈抗议
6 chubby wrwzZ     
  • He is stocky though not chubby.他长得敦实,可并不发胖。
  • The short and chubby gentleman over there is our new director.那个既矮又胖的绅士是我们的新主任。
7 proposal v0uzq     
  • I feel that we ought to accept his proposal.我觉得我们应该接受他的建议。
  • They could not gain over anyone to support their proposal.他们无法争取到支持他们建议的人。
8 code HWoyc     
  • What's the code for Tianjin?天津的代号是多少?
  • Remember to use postal code.勿忘使用邮政编码。
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