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听电影学英语-日落之前 04

时间:2011-04-07 03:27来源:互联网 提供网友:xt1808   字体: [ ]

  [00:01.76]What are they all about? 他们都做些什么
[00:01.92]We basically work on different environment issues... 基本上说我们所作的都和环境相关...
[00:03.84]...from clean water to disarmament of chemical weapons. ...从水污染到化学武器消除都做
[00:06.08]International laws that deal with the environment. 国际法中有和环境相关的条款
[00:10.60]-What do you do for them? -We're going this way. -你为他们做什么呢 -我们从这边走
[00:12.84]Different things. 不同的事
[00:15.96]Like, last year I was in lndia for a while, working on a water-treatment plant. 就像去年,我在印度呆了一阵子 帮忙处理一个水处理厂的事务
[00:19.64]Well, the cotton industry there is a major source of pollution, so.... 唔,那儿的棉花工业是 个主要的污染源,所以...
[00:21.68]I mean, it sounds like you're actually doing something. 我觉得,听起来好像你确实在做实事
[00:25.20]Most people, myself included, just sit around and bitch. 绝大多数的人,包括我在内 只是坐在那儿TMD发牢骚
[00:30.64]You know, how America's consuming all the world's resources, SUVs suck... 美国人在怎样消耗世界的资源吗,SUV真差劲...
[00:34.96]...global warming is real-- ...全球气候在变暖--
[00:35.40]I'm relieved to hear you're not one of those "freedom fries" Americans. 你不是那种张口闭口谈政治 的美国人我就放心了
[00:40.52]Hey, you know.... But how'd you get into that? 嗨,你知道... 但是你怎么想到要做这种工作呢
[00:41.96]I came out of political science, hoping to work for the government. 我原来学的是政治 本想为政府工作
[00:46.96]-And I did for a little while. Terrible. -Not good? -而且我确实做过一阵儿。太可怕了 -不好吗
[00:49.56]Yeah, no. Anyway, I got really tired-- Let's go this way. 是的,不好。总之,我受够了-- 我们从这儿走
[00:52.92]Having this endless conversation with friends... 关于这事我和朋友们谈了很久...
[00:53.80]...about how the world was falling to pieces. ...现在的世界真是分崩离析
[00:57.68]So I decided1 what I really wanted to do was... 所以我那时决定了我要做的就是...
[00:59.08]...to find things that could be fixed2 and try to fix them, you know? ...找到可以弥补的事情 去改变它们,你知道吗
[01:04.36]You know, I always thought you'd be doing something cool like that. I did. 我过去总想你一定会做一些很酷的事情出来 我当时真这么想
[01:08.12]Thanks. I just feel really, really lucky to be doing a job I like, you know? 谢谢。知道吗,能做自己 喜欢的事我真的感到很幸运
[01:13.68]Yeah. 是的
[01:14.20]I actually alternate in between thinking everything is irrevocably screwed up... 实际上我总在两种想法之间摆动: 一种是一切都无可挽回了,真TMD的糟透了...
[01:18.84]...and things might be getting better in ways. ...另一种是从某些方面 看事情还是在变得更好的
[01:22.84]Better? How could you possibly say that? 变得更好?你怎么能那样说呢
[01:24.24]Well, I just mean, you know, like.... 唔,我只是说,你知道,就像...
[01:26.12]I know it sounds weird3, but there are things to be optimistic about. 我知道听起来有些奇怪 但是确实有些事值得我们乐观的
[01:29.60]Okay.... I know your book is selling, which is great, I'm very happy for you. 是啊... 我知道你的书在热销 那太好了,我很替你高兴
[01:34.20]But let me break the news to you: The world is a mess right now. 但是还是让我来告诉你吧: 整个世界正在变得一团糟
[01:39.12]From a Western view, things are getting a bit better. 从西方人的角度来看,事情有些好转
[01:40.92]We're moving industry to developing nations where we can get cheap labor4... 我们正在把工业移到发展中国家去 在那儿我们能找到廉价劳动力...
[01:44.12]...free of any environmental laws. The weapon industry is booming. ...也不用受环境法的约束了 军工业也在蓬勃发展
[01:48.88]Five million people die a year from preventable water disease. 每年有5百万人死于可避免的水污染
[01:52.56]How is the world getting better? I'm not angry, I'm not angry. 这个世界怎么会在变好呢 我不生气,我没有生气
[01:53.36]But come on, I want to know. I'm interested. 但是告诉我嘛,我想知道 我很感兴趣
[01:56.56]I realize that there are a lot of serious problems in the world. 我意识到世界上有很多严重的问题
[01:59.40]-Okay. Thank you. -I mean, I don't even have... -好的。谢谢你 -我的意思是,我在亚洲市场...

  [02:03.28]-...one publisher in the Asian market. -Okay. All right. -...还没有一家出版商呢 -好的,那很好
[02:07.40]-Say stop. -What? Stop. -说“打住” -什么?打住
[02:10.96]Look, all I'm saying is there's more awareness5. People are gonna fight back. 嗨,我所说的是人们有了 这种意识就会采取行动的
[02:15.24]The world might be getting better because people like you... 世界会因为有了象你 这样的人而好起来的...
[02:18.32]Even the very notion of conservation, environmental issues... 直到近来,持续发展 环境保护的概念...
[02:18.92]...are educated and speaking out. ...你们受过教育又敢于呐喊
[02:23.48]...weren't in the vocabulary till fairly recently. ...才进入人们的词汇表
[02:24.64]And they're becoming the norm and eventually might be what's expected. 它们会越来越普通 最终实现它们所期望的那样
[02:29.84]I agree with what you're saying, but at the same time it's dangerous. 我同意你的观点 但是同时这样也很危险
[02:33.52]An imperialist country can use that kind of thinking... 帝国主义国家会借种想法...
[02:35.72]...to justify6 their economic greed. ...为他们经济上的贪婪开脱
[02:38.16]Is there any particular imperialist country you have in mind, there, Frenchie? 你心中有没有一个特定的 帝国主义国家呢,是法国吗
[02:43.08]-No, not really. -No? -不,不是的 -不是吗
[02:52.52]-So you wanna sit over there? -Yeah, this is perfect. -坐下来谈好吗 -好的,这儿太美了
[02:56.16]Oh, wow. Maybe what I'm saying is... 噢,哇。也许我刚刚的意思是...
[02:59.04]...the world might be evolving the way a person evolves. ...也许世界会象一个人那样进化的
[03:02.28]Like, I mean, me, for example. Am I getting worse? 象,我是说,我,举个例子 我在变得更糟吗
[03:03.12]Am I improving? I don't know. When I was younger, I was healthier... 我不是在改进吗?我不知道 我年轻的时候,我更健康...
[03:08.60]...but I was wracked with insecurity, you know? ...但是我因为没有安全感 而被搞垮了,你知道吗
[03:12.16]Now I'm older and my problems are deeper... 现在我更老了问题更严重了...
[03:15.20]...but I'm more equipped to handle them. ...但是我已经准备好了应对它们
[03:16.64]So, what are your problems? 那么,你的问题是什么呢
[03:19.56]Right now I don't have any. I don't, you know? I'm just... 此刻我什么问题也没有 没有问题,知道吗?我只是...
[03:26.28]...damn happy to be here. ...来到这儿真TMD高兴
[03:28.92]Me too. 我也是
[03:32.24]So how long have you been in Paris? 那么你来巴黎多久了呢
[03:33.08]I got in last night. I've done 1 0 cities in 1 2 days. 我昨天晚上到的 我12天跑了10个城市
[03:38.64]I'm wrecked7. I'm so glad it's over, you know? 我累坏了。知道吗 现在忙完了真高兴
[03:39.80]I'm tired of being a huckster. 我厌倦了当小贩的日子
[03:41.92]-Hi. -Hello. -嗨 -你好
[03:45.72]What do you want? 你想要点儿什么
[03:46.68]A cup of coffee. 一杯咖啡
[03:51.52]God, I love this cafe. I wish they had places like this in the U.S. 天啊,我喜欢这个咖啡店 真希望美国也有这样的地方
[03:56.20]Yeah, I missed cafes when I was living over there. 是的,在那边住的时候 我也怀念这儿的咖啡店
[04:01.40]-You were living in the U.S.? -Yes, from '96 to '99. -你过去一直作个住在美国吗 -是的,96年到99年
[04:06.24]I was studying at NYU. 当时我在纽约大学学习
[04:08.08]Oh, God, don't tell me that, Celine. 哦,上帝,不要告诉我,塞琳
[04:10.44]-What? -No, it's just-- -怎么了 -没有,只是--
[04:13.40]-Nothing, I mean, l-- -What? -没什么,我的意思是,我-- -怎么了
[04:14.84]I've been living in New York since '98. We were there at the same time. 我98年以后一直住在纽约 当时我们都在那儿
[04:17.16]-ln New York? -Yeah. -在纽约吗 -是的
[04:21.08]That's weird. It actually crossed my mind a few times that I might run into you... 太奇怪了。真的好几次 我想也许我能撞上你呢...
[04:25.56]...but the odds8 are so slim, right? So.... ...但是可能性太小了 是吗?所以...
[04:28.32]I didn't even know what city you were in. 我过去甚至连你在哪个城市都不知道
[04:30.60]-Weren't you somewhere in Texas? -Yeah, yeah, definitely. I just-- -你不是在德克萨斯的什么地方吗 -是的,是的,没错。我只是--
[04:33.52]I was for a long time. I just, you know, wanted to try New York. 有很长时间,我一心想 你知道,去纽约发展
[04:40.68]What brought you back here? 你为什么又回来了呢

  [04:42.16]I had finished my master's, for one... 我读完了硕士课程,我...
[04:44.96]...and no visa, no more visa. ...没有签证,不能续签了
[04:45.72]And I was starting to get paranoid. All the violence in the medias: 而且那个时候我变得有点儿妄想狂了 媒体上充斥着暴力:
[04:51.88]Gang violence, murders, especially serial9 killers10.... 暴力团伙,杀人犯 特别是系列杀人犯...
[04:56.48]But the final straw was... 但是最让我受不了的是...
[04:57.96]...one night I heard some noise on my fire escape... ...一天晚上我听见 防火梯上有动静...


1 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
2 fixed JsKzzj     
  • Have you two fixed on a date for the wedding yet?你们俩选定婚期了吗?
  • Once the aim is fixed,we should not change it arbitrarily.目标一旦确定,我们就不应该随意改变。
3 weird bghw8     
  • From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
  • His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。
4 labor P9Tzs     
  • We are never late in satisfying him for his labor.我们从不延误付给他劳动报酬。
  • He was completely spent after two weeks of hard labor.艰苦劳动两周后,他已经疲惫不堪了。
5 awareness 4yWzdW     
  • There is a general awareness that smoking is harmful.人们普遍认识到吸烟有害健康。
  • Environmental awareness has increased over the years.这些年来人们的环境意识增强了。
6 justify j3DxR     
  • He tried to justify his absence with lame excuses.他想用站不住脚的借口为自己的缺席辩解。
  • Can you justify your rude behavior to me?你能向我证明你的粗野行为是有道理的吗?
7 wrecked ze0zKI     
  • the hulk of a wrecked ship 遇难轮船的残骸
  • the salvage of the wrecked tanker 对失事油轮的打捞
8 odds n5czT     
  • The odds are 5 to 1 that she will win.她获胜的机会是五比一。
  • Do you know the odds of winning the lottery once?你知道赢得一次彩票的几率多大吗?
9 serial 0zuw2     
  • A new serial is starting on television tonight.今晚电视开播一部新的电视连续剧。
  • Can you account for the serial failures in our experiment?你能解释我们实验屡屡失败的原因吗?
10 killers c1a8ff788475e2c3424ec8d3f91dd856     
凶手( killer的名词复数 ); 消灭…者; 致命物; 极难的事
  • He remained steadfast in his determination to bring the killers to justice. 他要将杀人凶手绳之以法的决心一直没有动摇。
  • They were professional killers who did in John. 杀死约翰的这些人是职业杀手。
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