[00:59.58]在这世界上 There are over 550 million firearms
[01:01.85]全世界一共有5亿5千万支军火 in world-wide circulation.
[01:04.48]那就是说每12个人 That’s one firearm for every
[01:06.05]就有1只枪 twelve people on the planet.
[01:08.52]唯一的问题是 The only question is...
[01:13.05]我们如何让其他11个人也有枪 how do we arm the other eleven?
[04:22.88]你不用担心 You don’t have to worry.
[04:25.02]我不会说一堆谎话 让你觉得我是好人 I’m not gonna tell you a pack of lies to make me look good.
[04:28.42]我只是告诉你到底发生什么事 I’m just gonna tell you what happened.
[04:30.92]我的名字是尤里·奥洛夫 My name is Yuri Orlov.
[04:32.88]我年幼时,我们全家来到了美国 When I was a boy, my family came to America.
[04:36.28]但没有完全融入美国社会 But not all the way.
[04:38.15]象其他乌克兰人一样 Like most Ukrainians,
[04:39.18]我们都聚集在布莱顿滩这个地方 we gathered in Brighton Beach.
[04:41.62]这里可以让我们想起黑海 It reminded us of the Black Sea.
[04:44.12]我很快地就意识到 I soon realized we’d just swapped1
[04:45.78]我们是从一个地狱到了另外一个地狱 one hell for another.
[04:48.68]即使在地狱里 Even in hell, an angel
[04:49.98]天使有时也会出现 sometimes makes an appearance.
[04:52.75]从十岁开始 I’d worshipped Ava Fontaine
[04:54.45]我就崇拜艾娃·方田 since I was 10 years old.
[04:56.58]她当然不知道我的存在 Of course, she didn’t know I existed.
[05:00.42]有的时候我自己也这么觉得 I was starting to think she had a point.

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