[00:01.84]贿赂别人的钱也很多 Not to mention bribes2.
[00:03.81]不贿赂别人 You can’t get a nut and bolt out
[00:05.01]你根本无法进入边界 of the Eastern Bloc3 without a bribe1.
[00:06.91]给那个疯子一笔贿赂 There’s one bribe for the nut,
[00:08.35]还有一笔要给那个秃子 another for the bolt.
[00:10.01]安迪,安迪 听我说 Andy... Andy, listen to me.
[00:11.21]这是一个很费钱的生意 This is an expensive proposition.
[00:13.84]“安迪”? "Andy"?
[00:16.75]我会付你木材或者钻石 I am going to pay you in timber or stones.
[00:26.68]我当然选钻石 I’ll take the stones.
[00:27.91]我可不能把一棵树装进我的手提箱里 It’s kind of hard to get a tree trunk into my hand luggage.
[00:32.38]我知道你在计划反击 I know you’re planning a new offensive.
[00:34.81]如果你能推迟计划一周 If you can delay a week,
[00:36.48]我可以给你装甲车 I can get you armored personnel carriers.
[00:39.01]它可以有效的减少你的伤亡人数 They’d greatly reduce your casualties...
[00:41.75]还可以给你在战场上的优势 ...and give you a significant strategic advantage.
[00:46.15]你知道他们叫我战争之王 You know, they call me the Lord Of War.
[00:49.65]我想你才是 But perhaps it is you.
[00:52.01]不是战争之王,应该叫军阀 It’s not "Lord Of War," it’s "Warlord."
[00:56.91]谢谢,但是我喜欢这么说 Thank you, but I prefer it my way.
[01:02.98]钻石在西非是最常用的货币 Conflict diamonds are a common currency in West Africa,
[01:06.38]也叫做血之钻石 also referred to as "blood diamonds"
[01:08.48]因为这些钻石往往都被用于资助流血战争 since bloodshed is what they generally finance.
[01:12.61]在20世纪末期 By the late ’90s, my wealth had caught up
[01:14.48]我的财富已经和我说谎时讲的差不多了 to my lies about my welth.
[01:16.38]也许比我说谎时讲的还要多 Even surpassed my lies.
[01:18.58]我甚至有财力去收藏艺术品 I could even afford to become a patron of the arts.
[01:30.21]哇,真不敢相信 It’s just that I can’t believe it.
[01:32.65]这当然很棒 Well, of... of course, it’s wonderful.
[01:34.65]我只是... I just...
[01:35.68]只是没想到这么快发生 I didn’t expect it to happen so soon.
[01:39.48]是...那...也很好 Yes. Well, that wou-that would be great, too yeah.
[01:45.41]太好了,真谢谢你 It’s wonderful. Thank you so much.
[01:47.78]是...尤里...好...谢谢...再见 It’s... Yuri. Okay, thank you. Bye.
[01:51.05]刚电话里是那个艺术商 Yuri, that was the dealer4 on the phone.
[01:52.71]我卖了第一张画 I just sold my first painting.
[01:54.05]哇,真是太棒了 Aah! That’s fantastic.
[01:57.61]谁买了? Uh, who bought it?
[01:58.78]一位要人 It’s someone important.
[02:00.18]不愿透漏姓名 They want to remain anonymous5.
[02:01.95]- 真棒! - 对呀!这次外出都好吗? This is so wonderful! How was your trip?
[02:04.31]哦...差不多啦... You know, same old, same old.
[02:05.58]尼奇呢? Where’s Nicki?
[02:06.48]他睡了,撑不住了 Oh, in bed, I’m sorry. He couldn’t stay up.
[02:09.25]不要紧 That’s best.
[02:10.08]第一副画耶! My first painting!
[02:11.68]我正式成为艺术家啦! I’m officially an artist!
[02:13.74]- 值得干一杯 - 谁说不是? This calls for a drink. What doesn’t?
[02:17.71]好 Hi.
[02:19.28]尤里,这是...呃... Yuri, this is uh...
[02:21.35]小蜜糖 Candy.
[02:22.48]小蜜糖!当然咯! Candy. Of course.
[02:24.98]我弟弟的朋友都是... Any friend of my brother’s is a...
[02:28.01]我弟弟的朋友 friend of my brother’s.
[02:29.61]好漂亮哦!你的...一切 You have a beautiful... everything.
[02:34.61]他当然是 Yes, he does.
[02:35.84]是...我当然是 Yes, I do.
[02:37.28]我要去看看尼奇 I’m going to kiss Nicki goodnight.
[02:38.41]好的 Okay.
[03:34.95]老弟,还好吗? How are you, brother?
[03:36.38]你知道的... Well, you know,
[03:37.98]我是家里的败类 still the resident family fuckup.
[03:40.84]嗯...呃...总得有一个吧 Yeah. Well, I guess someone has to do it.
[03:44.58]恩 Well.
[03:46.84]艾娃知道你在干嘛,对吧? Hey, Ava knows, right?
[03:55.41]我可不想说 I never want to say anything,
[03:58.08]她不需要了解 She doesn’t have to know.
[03:58.95]她懂的 She understands.
[04:00.48]她是一个幸存者,跟我一样 She’s a survivor6, like me.
[04:03.61]她也许是 She may be a survivor,
[04:04.98]但她绝对跟你不一样 but she’s not like you.
[04:09.84]她不知道你怎么负担得起这一切 Really She doesn’t know how you pay for all this
[04:12.01]我们从不提这事儿 We don’t talk about it.
[04:14.51]卖车的会告诉你车有危险? How many car salesman talk about their work? Huh?
[04:17.95]卖香烟的会告诉你吸烟会死? How many cigarette salesmen?
[04:19.08]每年他们的商品 Both their products kill more people
[04:20.71]比我的害死更多人 every year than mine.
[04:21.58]起码我的商品还有安全栓呢 At least mine has a safety switch.
[04:25.15]那些人不会把工作上的事带回家 If those guys can leave their work at the office,
[04:27.98]我也不会 so can I.
[04:30.71]天啊...妈的...你真行! God damn, you are good!
[04:35.55]真的 You really are.
[04:38.45]你差点让我相信了 You almost had me convinced.
[04:51.01]你能... Could you...
[04:55.21]帮帮我吗? could you help me out with

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n.贿赂;v.向…行贿,买通 | |
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n.贿赂( bribe的名词复数 );向(某人)行贿,贿赂v.贿赂( bribe的第三人称单数 );向(某人)行贿,贿赂 | |
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n.集团;联盟 | |
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n.商人,贩子 | |
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adj.无名的;匿名的;无特色的 | |
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n.生存者,残存者,幸存者 | |
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