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  • VOA双语新闻-中学生应当如何应对欺凌行为

    Bullies - especially aggressively hostile girls - are a topic of major interest to Rosalind Wiseman. 欺凌霸王,特别是具有侵犯性敌视行为的女孩子,这是教育家罗萨琳德怀斯曼关心的主题。 In her non-fiction best-sell...

  • VOA双语新闻 - 雷纳德为废物着迷

    Annie Leonard has dedicated herself to changing America's throw-away culture. The Berkeley, California resident has been obsessed with stuff for more than 20 years - both good stuff that is thrown out and toxic stuff that poisons the planet and its p...

  • VOA双语新闻 - 小时自控能力差 成人之后问题多

    From a very early age, some children exhibit better self-control than others. Now, a new study has tracked how low self control can predict poor health, money troubles and even a criminal record in their adult years. 有些孩子在很小的时候就表...

  • VOA双语新闻 - 耶鲁大学学生合唱团建团150周年

    American universities inherited a choral tradition from England where, centuries ago, student choruses gathered to sing songs with different vocal parts known as glees. Today, dozens of U.S. colleges have glee clubs - a cappella choruses open to stud...

  • VOA双语新闻 - 埃及因素让其他国家考虑粮价问题

    Many developing countries are closely watching the role escalating food prices is playing in the turmoil in North Africa. 很多粮价不断上涨的其他发展中国家都在密切关注埃及局势,并考虑对策。 Government repression, corru...

  • VOA双语新闻 - 美国人物:心脏医学先驱斯塔尔

    Cardiac medicine has made tremendous strides since the 1950s, when surgeons placed the first experimental artificial valves in the human heart. 外科医生1950年代首次在人类心脏里植入了试验性的人造瓣膜。心脏医学自那以来取...

  • VOA双语新闻 - 古典剧作在纽约仍备受欢迎

    Even in the age of the Internet and DVDs, classical theater is flourishing in New York. 虽然我们已经进入了使用互联网和看光碟的时代,但是经典的戏剧仍然深受人们喜爱。 Some of the plays in the Brooklyn Academy of Mu...

  • VOA双语新闻 - 用低成本简单措施降低医院感染率

    A new program to reduce hospital infections with relatively simple and inexpensive quality control measures is saving lives, according to a new study. 研究显示,采取一些比较简单和低成本的医疗质量控制措施,就可以减少感染...

  • VOA双语新闻 - 外国使馆认养并教育美国儿童

    Embassy representatives in Washington, D.C., work regularly with lawmakers on Capitol Hill and U.S. officials at the State Department. 各国驻华盛顿使馆的代表定期跟美国国会议员和国务院官员一道工作。 Nearly four dozen of...

  • VOA双语新闻 - 美鼓励私企参与外援项目

    Private businesses are being encouraged to assume a greater role in development efforts as part of the Obama administration's agricultural development initiative. Food prices are at record highs, and experts are sounding alarms about the potential fo...

  • VOA双语新闻 - 美国民权运动先驱瑟古德·马歇尔

    Thurgood Marshall is perhaps best known as the first African-American justice on the Supreme Court, where he served from 1967 to 1991. But he had a long history of working for justice. As an attorney for the National Association for the Advancement o...

  • VOA双语新闻 - 探索外星生命的美国人德雷克

    Space aliens and extraterrestrials have long been popular subjects of Hollywood movies and science fiction literature. But the idea of intelligent life in outer space is no longer limited to fiction. 外星人和天外来客长期以来一直是好莱坞...

  • VOA双语新闻 - 心脏搭桥术使用人造血管的前景

    Scientists say they have successfully tested artificial blood vessels grown in the laboratory. In a heart bypass operation, surgeons typically remove a vein from a patient's leg and use it to replace blocked arteries that feed the muscles of the hear...

  • VOA双语新闻 - 美预算之争反映对政府角色不同看

    In U.S. politics, there is no issue that divides Democrats and Republicans more than their vastly different views on the role and size of the central government. That political divide is at the heart of the intensifying debate over the federal budget...

  • VOA双语新闻 - 美国关闭驻利比亚使馆 但保持接触

    The United States Friday suspended operations at its embassy in Libya after U.S. diplomatic personnel were airlifted out of the country. However, officials say diplomatic contacts with representatives of the Moammar Gadhafi government continue. 美国驻...
