It's a bit different from my day. 有点时过境迁的感觉 You've no idea. 岂止如此 Mike, can I borrow your phone? No signal on mine. 迈克 能借你手机用下吗 我的没信号 Well, what's wrong with the landline? 你不能用固话吗 I
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Taxi! 的士 Okay, you've got questions. 好吧 我知道你一肚子问题 Where are we going? 我们这是去哪儿 Crime scene. There's been a murder. Next? 犯罪现场 发生了一起谋杀案 下一个呢 Who are you? What do you do? 你是谁 做
《新福尔摩斯》精讲 03
Hello, freak. 你好 怪胎 I'm here to see Inspector Lestrade. 我找雷斯垂德探长 Why? 来干嘛 I was invited. 我是受邀前来 Why? 为什么 I think he wants me to take a look. 我想是他要让我来看下 Well, you know what Ithink, do
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Sherlock, two minutes, I said. I need anything you've got. 夏洛克 我说了给你两分钟 告诉我你的发现 Okay, take this down. 好吧 写下来 Just tell me what you've got. 告诉我就是 I'm not going to write it down. 我不要自己写
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He's gone. 他走了 What, Sherlock Holmes? 夏洛克福尔摩斯吗 He just took off. He does that. 对 他刚走 他总这样 Is he coming back? 他还会回来吗 Didn't look like it. 估计不会 Right. 好吧 Right, yes. Um, sorry, where am I? 对
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Where are we going? 我们现在去哪里 Northumberland Terrace is a five-minute walk from here. 诺森伯兰大楼 离这五分钟路程 What, you think he's stupid enough to go there? 你真认为他会蠢到单刀赴会吗 No, I think he's brilli
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I'll get you a candle for the table. It's more romantic, hmm? 我给你们拿蜡烛来 让气氛浪漫点 I'm not his date! 我们没在约会 You may as well eat. We might be waiting a long time. 你也吃点吧 我们可能得等上一段时间 Hmm
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No sign yet then? 还没动静吗 I suppose it is a long shot, we have to be realistic. 本来就希望渺茫 我们得做好心理准备 You said before you didn't know who the killer was but you knew what. 你说你不知道凶手是谁 却知道他是
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What's he doing? 他在搞什么 Sherlock's on the case. 夏洛克开始破案了 Bad news for bad people. 罪犯们可要遭殃了 Hey, hey, come on! 喂 别这样 Sorry mate, off duty. 抱歉伙计 我下班了 221B Baker Street. 我要去贝克街
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I know who you are, Mr Holmes. 我知道你是谁 福尔摩斯先生 The moment you said your name, I knew. 你一说你的大名我就知道了 Sherlock Holmes! 夏洛克福尔摩斯 I've been on your website loads of times. 我经常上你的网站
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Is this what you did? 这就是你的做法吗 To all of them? 用这个对付他们 You gave them a choice? 让他们自己选择 You've got to admit, 你也得承认 as serial killers go, I'm verging on nice. 作为一个连环杀手 我还算厚道了
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How did you choose which ones? 你怎么选择受害人 Anyone who didn't know where they were going, 所有迷失方向的人 cause they were drunk or lost or new in town. 或是醉了或是初来乍到的人 Anyone I could walk through the wrong do
《新福尔摩斯》精讲 13
You make the slightest move towards that phone, I'llkillyou. 你要敢靠近那电话一步 我就杀了你 Oh, I don't think so. 你才不会 Not your kind of murder. 这可不符合你的手法 Youwantto risk it? 你想冒那风险吗 Wouldn't you
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Why have I got this blanket? They keep putting this blanket on me. 为什么给我毛毯 他们老是给我披这条毛毯 It's for shock. 为防你受惊吓 I'm not in shock. 我没有受惊 Yeah, but some of the guys want to take photographs. 知道
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Sergeant Donovan's been explaining everything to me, it's... 刚刚多诺万警佐都跟我说了 And the two pills, dreadful business, dreadful. 那个真假毒药 这游戏真可怕 心惊肉跳呀 Where is it? 在哪儿 Where's what? 什么在哪儿
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