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  • 夏说英语新闻晨读 第377期:英国啤酒荒 本期内容: A shortage of CO2 could take the fizz out of beer and other sparkling drinks this summer, just as the World Cup and barbecue season get under way. The UK has only two plants producing carbon dioxide and one is closed for maintenance,
  • 夏说英语新闻晨读 第378期:伦敦博物馆出展地沟油块 本期内容: A slice of fatberg put on show at the Museum of London could be preserved for future generations. The lump of congealed fat, oil and wet wipes has begun to sweat and change colour, and flies have hatched in it. But curator Vyki Sparke
  • 夏说英语新闻晨读 第379期:玛莎调整线上战略 本期内容: AformerdigitalbossatMarksamp;SpencerhastoldBBCRadio5Livethattheretailchainshouldseriouslylookatatie-upwithAmazon. MarcusEast,whoworkedunderformerchiefexecutiveMarcBolland,saiditneedstotacklethedigitalspace.Lastmonth,Marksamp;Spencersa
  • 夏说英语新闻晨读 第380期:闭门造车 本期内容: Donald Trump has said Harley-Davidsons should never be built abroad, as he attacked the firm's plans to move some production overseas to avoid European tariffs. Mr Trump said the iconic bike brand's new Thailand plant marked a surrend
  • 夏说英语新闻晨读 第381期:女性的时尚标配 本期内容: Along the streets of Beijing, flyers advertising newly built gyms are passed into everyone's hands. The prices range from 1,000 RMB to 19,000 RMB a year. Exercise isn't traditionally part of Chinese culture, barring some aunties squar
  • 夏说英语新闻晨读 第382期:HTC裁员 本期内容: Smartphone-maker HTC is to cut 1,500 jobs in Taiwan, about a quarter of its global workforce. The job cuts are part of a realignment of resources across the organization, the company said in a statement. The Taiwanese company has had
  • 夏说英语新闻晨读 第383期:外出务工最贵城市 本期内容: HongKongisbackintopspotasthemostexpensivecitytoliveintheworldasanexpat,accordingtoresearch.ThecityofskyscrapershaddroppedtosecondplacelastyearbehindLuanda,thecapitalofAngola.ButitnowheadstheAsia-dominatedlistagain,accordingtothe24than
  • 夏说英语新闻晨读 第384期:劳斯莱斯飞行出租车 本期内容: EnginemakerRolls-Roycehasdesignedapropulsionsystemforaflyingtaxiwhichitsayscouldtaketotheskiesassoonasearlynextdecade. TheBritishfirmsaidithaddrawnupplansforanelectricverticaltake-offandlandingvehicle,whichcouldcarryfourtofivepeople.
  • 夏说英语新闻晨读 第385期:三喵军团之歌 本期内容: After a heart-breaking week for English football fans, Three Lions is number one on this week's official singles chart. It's the first time in chart history a song has scored four spells at number one with the same artist line-up. The
  • 夏说英语新闻晨读 第386期:年度最贵电影撤档下映 本期内容: China'sbig-budgetfantasyepicAsurahasbeenpulledfromcinemasafteradismalopeningweekend.The750myuan($112m)filmreportedlymadelessthan50myuanonitsweekenddebut.Asura'splotisbasedonChinesemythologyandfeaturedleadingactorsandflashyspecialeffec
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  • 夏说英语新闻晨读 第389期:社交软件上瘾 本期内容: Social media companies are deliberately addicting users to their products for financial gain, Silicon Valley insiders have told the BBC's Panorama program. It's as if they're taking behavioral cocaine and just sprinkling it all over y
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  • 夏说英语新闻晨读 第391期:唐顿庄园电影版 本期内容: Fans of Downton Abbey can breathe a sigh of reliefa film of the hugely successful TVseries has finally been confirmed after much speculation. Theoriginal principal cast will begin production later this summer,the film's producers said