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Scene 170 逛公园

时间:2024-05-13 03:23来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

Scene 170 逛公园

❶ 你想去公园走走吗?Do you want to take a walk in the park?

对话 A: Do you want to take a walk in the park? 你想去公园走走吗?

B: Sorry, I'm a little tired. 抱歉,我有点累了。

❷ 你想去公园透透气吗?Do you want to get some air in the park?

对话 A: Do you want to get some air in the park? 你想去公园透透气吗?

B: Sounds cool. I need to have some fresh air. 好啊,我得出去透透气了。

❸ 我弟弟和伙伴们在公园里玩。My brother disported1 with his pals2 in the garden.

❹ 很多人每天早晨都在公园里锻炼。Many people do exercise in the park every morning.

对话 A: Many people do exercise in the park every morning. 很多人每天早晨都在公园里锻炼。

B: Especially old people. 尤其是老年人。

❺ 人们可以使用公园里的健身器材。People can use the fitness equipment at the park.

同类表达 You can work out with the fitness equipment at the park. 你可以用公园里的健身器材锻炼。

❻ 我沿湖走了一圈。I walked around the lake.

同类表达 I went around the lake by riding a bike. 我骑车绕湖一圈。

❼ 我喜欢在草地上玩。I love to play on the grass.

对话 A: I like to take my dog out and play with him on the grass in the park. 我喜欢带着狗出来,和它在公园草地上玩耍。

B: Same here. I love to play on the grass. 我也是,我喜欢在草地上玩。

❽ 春天来了,咱们可以去公园里放风筝。We can fly the kite in the park since spring is coming.

对话 A: We can fly the kite in the park since spring is coming. 春天来了,咱们可以去公园里放风筝。

B: Well, it is windy today, which means a perfect day to fly the kite. 今天有风,很适合放风筝。

❾ 我们可以在草地上小睡片刻。We can take a nap on the grass.

对话 A: We can take a nap on the grass. 我们可以在草地上小睡片刻。

B: But I think it wastes the beautiful sunshine. 但我觉得这样浪费了美丽的阳光。

❿ 我看到很多老年人在公园里慢跑。I saw many old people jogging in the park.


1 disported 37b7c948a7728f0e25c5b59e9fa3ee9f     
v.嬉戏,玩乐,自娱( disport的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He disported among books, radio and tape recorder. 他以读书、听收音机和录音机自娱。 来自辞典例句
  • The picnickers disported themselves merrily on the beach. 野餐者在海滩上欢快地炫耀自己。 来自互联网
2 pals 51a8824fc053bfaf8746439dc2b2d6d0     
n.朋友( pal的名词复数 );老兄;小子;(对男子的不友好的称呼)家伙
  • We've been pals for years. 我们是多年的哥们儿了。
  • CD 8 positive cells remarkably increased in PALS and RP(P CD8+细胞在再生脾PALS和RP内均明显增加(P 来自互联网
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