Scene 136 赚钱
Scene 136 赚钱 ❶ 我们应该抓住这个赚钱的机会。We should leap at this money-makingopportunity. 对话 A: We should leap at this money-making opportunity. 我们应该抓住这个赚钱的机会。 B: You are right. 你说得对。 ❷
Scene 137 珍惜时间
Scene 137 珍惜时间 ❶ 他不能很好地把握时间。He can't master time well. 对话 A: I think he works very hard. 我觉得他工作非常努力。 B: He can't master time well. 他不能很好地把握时间。 ❷ 时间过得真快!Ho
Scene 138 创业
Scene 138 创业 ❶ 我应该致力于我的创业。I should be bent on my startup. 对话 A: What will you do next? 接下来你要怎么做? B: I should be bent on my startup. 我应该致力于我的创业。 ❷ 我正在考虑自己创业。
Scene 139 压力
Scene 139 压力 ❶ 当感觉有压力时,我就喜欢睡觉。When I feel under pressure, I like to goto sleep. 对话 A: What do you do to blow off steam? 你通常做什么释放压力? B: When I feel under pressure, I like to go to sleep. 当感
Scene 140 新闻
Scene 140 新闻 ❶ 报纸以报道时事为主。Newspaper features articles on current affairs. 对话 A: What's the newspaper about? 报纸是介绍什么的? B: The newspaper features articles on current affairs. 报纸以报道时事为主。
Scene 141 读书
Scene 141 读书 ❶ 我迫不及待地想看这本书。I can't wait to read this book. 对话 A: It's the book you asked for a week ago. 这是你上周要借的书。 B: That's great. I can't wait to read this book. 太好了。我迫不及待地想
Scene 142 杂志
Scene 142 杂志 ❶ 下一期什么时候出版?When will the next issue be out? 同类表达 When was it published? 它是什么时间出版的? ❷ 我想以优惠价订阅一年。I'd like the special rate for a one-yearsubscription. 同类表达
Scene 143 音乐
Scene 143 音乐 ❶ 我喜爱听这些经典老歌。I love these golden oldies. 同类表达 I prefer old songs to pop music. 相比流行音乐,我更喜欢老歌。 ❷ 我喜欢现代音乐。I love modern music. 对话 A: What kind of music d
Scene 144 网络
Scene 144 网络 ❶ 网络将我们孤立开来。Networks isolate us from one another. 对话 A: What do you think about the networks? 你怎么看待网络? B: People can't live without the networks. 人们没有网络就不能活。 A: Yes, but
Scene 145 跳舞
Scene 145 跳舞 ❶ 你喜欢跳舞吗?Do you like dancing? 对话 A: Do you like dancing? 你喜欢跳舞吗? B: I'm not good at dancing. 我不擅长跳舞。 ❷ 我该去上舞蹈课了。I should take dance lessons. 对话 A: Would you like
Scene 146 画画
Scene 146 画画 ❶ 画画成了我每天的必修课。I need to draw every day. 对话 A: What do you do after work? 下班之后你都做什么? B: I need to draw every day. 画画成了我每天的必修课。 ❷ 我喜欢画画,也画得一手
Scene 147 游戏
Scene 147 游戏 ❶ 这游戏流行的原因就在于它很简单。The thing that makes the game sopopular is its simplicity. ❷ 我下了一盘十分出色的棋。I played a mean game of chess. 对话 A: I played a mean game of chess. 我下了一
Scene 148 演唱会
Scene 148 演唱会 ❶ 你要不要去看演唱会?Do you want to go to a music concert? 这样回答 I'm dying to the music concert. 我太想去看演唱会了! I'd like to. But I have no time. 我很想去,但是没有时间。 ❷ 这是个摇
Scene 149 锻炼
Scene 149 锻炼 ❶ 你应该多多锻炼。You should exercise more. 对话 A: I'm too tired. 我太累了。 B: You should exercise more. 你应该多多锻炼。 ❷ 你爱好什么体育运动?What sports do you go in for? 对话 A: What sport
Scene 150 看电视
Scene 150 看电视 ❶ 我除了看电视,别无他事可做。I did nothing but watch TV. 对话 A: What did you do yesterday? 你昨天做什么了? B: I did nothing but watch TV. 我除了看电视,别无他事可做。 ❷ 我宁愿在家看
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