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  • 英语访谈对话 286 The Kiwi Todd: OK, Leonard, now, when most people think of Kiwi, at least Americans, we think of the fruit. Leo: Right, right. Also in Japan as well. Todd: Oh, really! OK. But, uh, people from New Zealand are called Kiwis not because of the fruit I take it. L
  • 英语访谈对话 287 Hooligans Todd: You were saying that you once came across a hooligan! Mark: Actually, I know quite a few hooligans, yeah, in my local area, there's quite a few guys who are affiliated to my teams hooligan group, so in England most teams have their own hooligan
  • 英语访谈对话 288 Thailand Todd: Gloria, what are your plans for the summer? Gloria: I'm going to Thailand for two weeks and then I'm going to England for three weeks and thenback to the US. Todd: OK , wait, Thailand, you're going to Thailand? Gloria: Yes. Todd: OK, what are t
  • 英语访谈对话 289 Halloween Todd: OK, guys we're going to talk about Halloween. So, what do you think about Halloween? Adrienne: I actually like it. It's a fun holiday for kids especially because you get to dress up in costumes and you get lots of candy if you go trick-or-treat
  • 英语访谈对话 290 Video Games Todd: So, Eli, you're young and you're into Manga, so I take it you like video games? Eli: Mm-hm, I do very much. It's my other hobby. Um, almost an obsession sometimes. I think my friends get quite worried about me sometimes, the amount I play, but
  • 英语访谈对话 291 Movie Michael: Alright, so Simon, do you have a favorite movie? Simon: Again, that's difficult question so I can't say one favorite movie but I can say that I really, really enjoyed The Lord of the Rings, well mainly because as a elementary school student
  • 英语访谈对话 292 Walkabout Todd: Aaron, sometimes I hear from Australians, the term, have a walk-about, or walk-about! Aaron: A walk-about is an aboriginal word. It basically, means an aboriginal boy, when he is growing up goes for a long walk, maybe for twelve months, and he
  • 英语访谈对话 293 France Todd: OK, Hello! Raphael: Hello! Todd: Can you say your name please? Raphael: Yeah, sure. My name is Raphael ThibaultTodd: Thibault! Raphael: Yeah! Thibault! Todd: OK, and that's your last name? Raphael: Ah, yeah, it's my last name, but it's a first
  • 英语访谈对话 294 Melbourne Todd: Now, Aaron, you're from Melbourne. Aaron: That's right. Todd: What's melbourne like? Aaron: Melbourne's the second biggest city in Australia but there's a big city area with big buildings, then there's a lot of houses and then it runs into the
  • 英语访谈对话 295 Paris Todd: OK, Raphael, you were saying you lived in Paris. Rapheal: Yes, I made my studies there. Todd: Paris is just an amazing city. Can you talk about Paris? Rapheal:Yes! Well, the biggest difference I noticed with Tokyo is the size. Like Paris is nic
  • 英语访谈对话 296 Sunday Todd: Hello, Adrienne! Adrienne: Hi, Todd! Todd: How are you? Adrienne: Fine, how are you? Todd: Good. Adrienne, can we talk about what you like to do on Sunday morning? Adrienne: Usually, on Sunday mornings, I like to sleep as late as possible. Todd
  • 英语访谈对话 297 Music Michael: OK, so then. Hi! I'm Michael. I'm from Toronto. Simon: Yeah, Hi! I'm Simon from Vancouver. Michael: Simon! Simon: That's right! Michael: So, are you francophone? Simon: No, I'm not Francophone. That's a common mistake that other Canadians ma
  • 英语访谈对话 298 Global Warming Todd: Christine you're from Papua New Guinea? Christine: Yes, we're a small island in the South Pacific. Todd: And that is near Australia? Christine: Just above Australia. Todd: Like how far is it from Australia? Christine: To Brisbane it's 3 hours b
  • 英语访谈对话 299 Perfect Match Todd: So, Eli, do you miss home? Eli: I'm missing home a lot actually, at the moment. I wasn't when I first arrived, because of all the excitement about being here, and everything, but since actually about a month and a half ago, my boyfriend came he
  • 英语访谈对话 300 Lucky Todd: OK, Richard! Richard: Hi, Todd. Good to see you. Todd: Good to see you. Richard: Long time no see. Todd: Yeah, it's been awhile. Richard: It's been awhile. Todd: Richard, you helped me out when I first started the website. Richard: My pleasure.