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  • 英语访谈对话 333 The Messenger Todd: Um , Kawabe you said you used to be a bike delivery person. Kawabe: Yes, I was. It was not very long but I was doing that for like 6 months. Todd: Do you mean push bike or motorcycle? Kawabe: Push bike? What is a push bike? Todd: Push bike is l
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  • 英语访谈对话 337 The Interview Todd: Kawabe, can you talk about your first job interview? Kawabe: Sure, first job interview! This is a funny story and that was a time I took the interview, had an interview with the TV broadcaster, and then it was a very famous one in Yotsuya, in T
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  • 英语访谈对话 339 Rugby Todd: OK, Kevin, I hear that you're from Wales. Kevin: Yes, I'm from Wales. Todd: And you're really into rugby! Kevin: Yeah, I love rugby. Um, in Wales everybody plays rugby, in primary school, in juniorhigh school we play rugby. When I was in high s
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  • 英语访谈对话 341 Pets Yeah, so I think from growing up with dogs, like we always had dogs at home or my granddads house, so we were always playing with dogs, so I've never really had a fear of dogs like some people have, and I always considered myself a dog person, you kn
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