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  • 英语访谈对话 373 Train Ride Adrienne: I understand you recently rode a train from Milwaukee to Minneapolis. Was this the first time you ever rode a train? Vivian: No, I have been on a train many times as a young person but recently in the past 3 or 4 years I have ridden a train
  • 英语访谈对话 375 Food I was browsing through a bookshop today and I picked up a book on food, which is quite usual for me cause I love food, em, but this book was a bit different, em, it tried to make the connection between the kind of food you eat and how it makes you fe
  • 英语访谈对话 376 Life History Todd: Miki, where did you go to university? Miki: I went to university in California, at a school called the University of California at Berkeley. Todd: And where is that in California? Miki: It's in the Bay Area, which is in the northern half of Cal
  • 英语访谈对话 378 Dorm Life Todd: Miki, when you were in college where did you live? Miki: My first year I lived in the dormitory that was quite close to the campus. It was about a five minute walks so it was very convenient but I'm not sure that that many people actually enjoy
  • 英语访谈对话 379 University Life Todd: Miki, you went to UC Berkeley, a very famous university in the U.S. What is your university like? Why is it famous? Miki: Why is it famous? Well, I suppose historically it's kind of famous, recent history, because it was a center for the freedo
  • 英语访谈对话 380 Dogs Adrienne: So, Mary, who are these guys here? Mary: This one's Piper. She's seven. She just had a birthday in October, and this one's Daisy, she's got kind of an older face on her. I think she's probably about nine years old. Adrienne: Are these your
  • 英语访谈对话 381 Cold Weather Life Adrienne: So, Mary, are you from Minnesota? Mary: I am. I lived here all my life. Adrienne: Wow. Its a great place but its really cold this time of year. Mary: It is, but if youve lived here a long time you get used to it. A lot of people from the So
  • 英语访谈对话 382 The Table Adrienne: Wow, Mary, that's a great dining room table. Where did you get it? Mary: Oh, thanks. That is something, a project that Dave and I worked on over a couple of weekends. We really enjoy doing woodworking and he actually has a very elaborate wo
  • 英语访谈对话 383 Batteries Adrienne: So, Mary, my battery has almost ran out. I'm so glad you had some but they're cold. Mary: Well, I keep them in my frigerator along with several other sizes of batteries just so I have them on hand. It's a little quirky habit of mine but I a
  • 英语访谈对话 384 Cards Adrienne: So, Mary, whats in the basket there? Mary: Oh, those are all the Christmas cards I received this year. Adrienne: Oh, thats a lot. Mary: Yeah, its quite a few. I had kind of an extensive list for people I would send cards to but in October m
  • 英语访谈对话 385 New Job Adrienne: So, Trina I understand you got a new job recently. What are you doing? Trina: I am a flight attendant for a charter airline, World Airways, out of the United States, and we do mostly military charters into military air force bases and we do
  • 英语访谈对话 386 Hotel Life Adrienne: So, Trina, with your new job, you travel a lot, where do you stay when you you're traveling? Trina: I stay in hotels. Adrienne: How do you like that? Trina: I like it. It depends on the hotel though. Some of the hotels we stay in are very,
  • 英语访谈对话 387 Valentine's Day Adrienne: So, Trina, Monday is Valentine's day. Are you excited? Trina: No! Adrienne: That was a pretty direct answer. Why are you not excited? It's a holiday. Trina: It's a holiday for people that have other people. Adrienne: So, you're not happy be
  • 英语访谈对话 388 Routine Hi, I'm Mike and this is my daily routine. I get up early every day, around 6:30 and I go to the gym for a work-out before I go to work. I usually do aerobic exercise for awhile and then do some weight lifting for maybe half an hour at the gym, then
  • 英语访谈对话 389 The History of the Tie Todd: Mike, you were born in Croatia. Mike: That's right. Todd: Now you told me an interesting story about the necktie. Can you explain where the necktie came from? Mike: Well, my understanding is that the necktie originated from Croatia. Originally,