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英语口语课堂 56 问路

时间:2022-11-29 06:39来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

Asking the Way 问路

[00:09.09]Excuse me, can you tell me where...is?


[00:20.32]A:Excuse me,can you tell me where the post office is?


[00:25.89]B:It's on the Fifth Avenue.


[00:30.15]A:I'm afraid I don't quite understand.


[00:34.51]B:I see.You're a stranger here.


[00:39.26]Walk two blocks ahead, then turn left. You can't miss it.


[00:45.82]Can you tell me how to get to...?


[00:53.97]Sorry to trouble you. Can you tell me how to get to the City Bank?


[01:00.73]B:It's about two or there blocks away from here.


[01:05.28]A:How long will it take if I walk?


[01:09.43]B:It'll take you about 15 minutes.


[01:13.87]Is there a...near here?


[01:21.53]A:Is there a bookstore near here?


[01:25.79]B:Yes,it's straight ahead around the comer.


[01:30.64]A:Thank you very much.


[01:34.12]Can you direct me to...?


[01:42.97]A:Can you direct me to Holiday inn1?


[01:47.70]Walk straihgt on. Cross the street and walk two blocks west.You can't miss it.




[01:57.21]Can you show me the way to...?


[02:04.97]A:Can you show me the way to the nearest hospital?


[02:10.25]Walk straight on.Cross the street at the second traffic light.You can't miss it.


[02:18.19]A:Thank you. B:You're welcome.


[02:22.26]Is this the road to...?


[02:29.52]A:Is this the road to Friendship Store?


[02:34.49]You could get there this way, but it's nearer to go along Walt Street.


[02:40.65]A:Where is Walt Street?


[02:44.73]B:Next to this one.


[02:48.10]Does this bus go to ....?


[02:55.46]A:How can I get to the zoo?


[02:59.62]B:You can take a bus.


[03:03.38]A:Does this bus go to the zoo?B:Yes,it does.


[03:08.94]Which bus should I take if I want to go to ....?


[03:17.90]A:Excuse me, which bus should I take to go to Wood Cinema?


[03:24.46]B:You can take Bus No.11. It's very convenient.


[03:30.42]A:Thank you.


[03:33.47]Can you tell me how I can get to...?


[03:41.13]A:Can you tell me how I can get to the Grand Cinema?


[03:46.38]It's on the Park Avenue. It's too far to walk. You'd better take a bus.


[03:53.33]A:Which bus shall I take? B:Bus No.2.


[03:58.37]How far it from here to...?


[04:06.20]A:How far is it from here to the airport?


[04:11.06]B:About 40 minuters' ride by car.A:Thank you.


[04:16.81]Is there a direct train from...to...?


[04:27.28]A:Is there a direct train from New York to Washington?


[04:32.43]B:Yes,there is.


[04:36.19]A:When does it leave?B:9:20 a.m.


[04:41.65]How long does it take to go from...to...by train?


[04:53.41]A:How long does it take to go from New York to Washington by train?


[04:57.51]B:Sorry,I don't know.


[05:01.35]A:That's all right. I can ask the conductor.


[05:06.49]Is there a direct flight from...to...?


[05:16.34]A:Is there a direct flight from Frankfurt to Tokyo?


[05:21.99]B:Yes, there is. It leaves on Thursdays.A:Thank you.


[05:28.05]When does the passenger ship leave for ...?


[05:37.50]A:When does the passenger ship leave for New York?


[05:42.36]B:At 7:00 p.m. A:Thank you very much.



1 inn t69xs     
  • I shall lodge at the inn for two nights.我要在这家小店住两个晚上。
  • We stayed in a small village inn,right off the map.我们住在一家偏僻的乡村小店里。
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