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  • 英语PK台 第286期:从ABC开始扔掉字幕看《老友记》(67) 地点:莫妮卡与钱德勒的婚礼现场 人物:莫妮卡,钱德勒,菲比,瑞秋 事件:婚礼仪式结束后,摄像师为大家拍照留念,菲比为了掩护瑞秋,谎称自己怀孕了。 Monica: What are you talking about? P
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  • 英语PK台 第288期:有朋自远方来 机场接人 Dialogue Mark: Hey! Long time no see! Thanks so much for picking me up! 马克:嘿!好久不见!非常感谢你来接我! Jingjing: No problem! Your plane was a little late coming in. You must be beat! 京晶:客气什么!你的飞机晚点
  • 英语PK台 第289期:从ABC开始扔掉字幕看《老友记》(68) 地点:莫妮卡和钱德勒的公寓 人物:莫妮卡,瑞秋,菲比 事件:瑞秋与莫妮卡和菲比聊天,决定要告诉孩子父亲自己怀孕这件事。 Monica: Hey, how are you feelin'? Any morning sickness? Rachel: Shh-shh-shh!
  • 英语PK台 第290期:小李子联合国《巴黎气候协定》精彩演讲(1) Section 1 Thank you, Mr. Secretary General, for the honor to address this body once more. And thanks to the distinguished climate leaders assembled here today who are ready to take action. 谢谢秘书长先生再次给我机会让我站在这里发言
  • 英语PK台 第291期:小李子联合国《巴黎气候协定》精彩演讲(2) Section 2 I do not need to tell you these statistics. You know them better than I do, but more importantly, you know what will happen if this scourge is left unchecked. You know that climate change is happening faster than even the most pessimistic o
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  • 英语PK台 第293期:开车别打电话,别发短信! Dialogue 1 Mark:Ah! Jingjing! I'm in a grind! 马克:啊!京晶!我太痛苦了! Jingjing: What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost! 京晶:怎么啦?你看起来像见了鬼一样! Mark: Yeah, I just got in a wreck. My pare
  • 英语PK台 第294期:从ABC开始扔掉字幕看《老友记》(69) 地点:莫妮卡和钱德勒公寓 人物:莫妮卡,钱德勒 事件:钱德勒请钟点工来家里打扫,并劝说莫妮卡给人家一个机会。 Monica: Oh my God! You cleaned! Look at these floors! You did the windows! Oh, I have been
  • 英语PK台 第295期:北京七年为家 Track One Beijing has been my home for the past seven years 北京过去七年都是我的家 And no matter how far it is from Scotland it definitely feels like my home 不论这里离苏格兰有多远,我的确觉得这就是我的家 Beijing has
  • 英语PK台 第296期:培根思想名篇《论读书》 Studies serve for delight,for ornament,and for ability.Their chief use for delight is in private ness and retiring;for ornament,is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business. 读书可以陶冶情操,可以藻饰文
  • 英语PK台 第297期:从ABC开始扔掉字幕看《老友记》(70) 地点:莫妮卡和钱德勒的公寓 人物:莫妮卡,钱德勒,瑞秋 事件:莫妮卡买了一双非常昂贵的皮靴,并坚持不退回去。 Monica: Hey! So what do you think? Chandler: New haircut? Necklace? Dress? Boots? Boots! Mo
  • 英语PK台 第299期:马克·吐温致青年人的忠告 Being told I would be expected to talk here, I inquired what sort of talk I ought to make. They said it should be something suitable to youth-something didactic, instructive, or something in the nature of good advice. Very well. 我接收到通知将到
  • 英语PK台 第300期:从ABC开始扔掉字幕看《老友记》(71) 地点:乔伊的公寓 人物:莫妮卡,乔伊,菲比,瑞秋 事件:莫妮卡今年的感恩节不准备做火鸡,乔伊为此发表了一番能吃论。 Monica: All right, Okay, just so you know, I'm not gonna make a turkey this year.
  • 英语PK台 第301期:华人在牙买加的奋斗史 Track One Prior to 1655 when we were colonised by the English 在1655年之前我们成为英属殖民地 The Spanish first discovered Jamaica in 1492 1492年西班牙人首先发现牙买加 We still have some places the architecture is still simila