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  • 英语PK台 第271期:从ABC开始扔掉字幕看《老友记》(62) 地点:莫妮卡公寓的客厅,中央公园咖啡厅 人物:钱德勒,莫妮卡,卡西,罗斯 事件:钱德勒初次见卡西就被她抖头发的样子迷住了,莫妮卡只好送她去罗斯那里同住。 Monica: So, are you ready
  • 英语PK台 第272期:通过血型来识人(1) Dialogue 1 Xiao Gao: Ouch! I just got bit again by another skeeter! I think summer is just around the corner. 小高:哎哟,我刚刚又被蚊子咬了。看来夏天马上就要来了。 Jingjing: Yeah, you must have sweet blood. 京晶:是啊,
  • 英语PK台 第273期:通过血型来识人(2) Dialogue 2 Xiao Gao: Okay, Jingjing, I've done my research. I think I know which blood type you are. 小高:好啦,京晶,我已经做过调查了,我想我知道你是哪个血型的了。 Jingjing: Oh yeah? Which one? 京晶:真的吗?我
  • 英语PK台 第274期:通过血型来识人(3) Dialogue Jingjing: So we talked about blood type As and blood type Bs, but do you remember me telling you there was also a blood type AB? 京晶:我们上次说到了A型血和B型血的人,但是你还记得吗,我告诉过你还有AB型血的人
  • 英语PK台 第275期:通过血型来识人(4) Dialogue Xiao Gao: Well, we've talked about A, B, and AB. We haven't even said a thing about typeO yet. 小高:我们已经说过A型、B型和AB型血的人,我们还没有说到O型血呢。 Jingjing: Type Os are really unique. They're responsi
  • 英语PK台 第276期:从ABC开始扔掉字幕看《老友记》(63) 地点:莫妮卡公寓客厅 人物:莫妮卡,钱德勒,罗斯 事件:钱德勒、罗斯和莫妮卡互揭老底,说出了各位一直不为人知的糗事。 Chandler: You wanna tell secrets? Okay! Okay! In college, Ross used to wear leg
  • 英语PK台 第277期:从ABC开始扔掉字幕看《老友记》(64) 地点:中央公园咖啡厅 人物:乔伊,莫妮卡,瑞秋,罗斯 事件:瑞秋和大学同学梅丽莎重逢,她向朋友们透露,大学时她曾和梅丽莎接过吻。 Joey: Hey, guys! Look who's back! It's Ray-ray! Rachel: Shut
  • 英语PK台 第278期:战胜坏习惯 Dialogue 1 Jingjing: Pee yew! What's that awful smell? 京晶:咿呀,什么味道这么难闻? Xiaogao: Don't look at me! I took a shower today! 小高:别看我,我今天洗澡啦。 Jingjing: No, I mean something smells like smoke. 京晶:
  • 英语PK台 第279期:从ABC开始扔掉字幕看《老友记》(65) 地点:中央公园咖啡厅 人物:钱德勒,莫妮卡,乔伊,菲比 事件:钱德勒和莫妮卡请了摇摆王乐队来婚礼演奏,莫妮卡承担了全部婚礼准备的工作。 Chandler: So, did Monica tell you about this great b
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  • 英语PK台 第281期:办公室人际之和睦尊重篇 Dialogue Jingjing: Alright, Xiaogao, rule number one: when you're at work, make sure you always carry your own weight.That means you should always do what's asked of you and try not to let other co-workers pick up the slack. 京晶:听好了,小高
  • 英语PK台 第282期:从ABC开始扔掉字幕看《老友记》(66) 地点:乔伊公寓的客厅,莫妮卡公寓的客厅 人物:钱德勒,乔伊,罗斯,莫妮卡,瑞秋,菲比 事件:钱德勒来找乔伊和罗斯帮忙想结婚誓词,而莫妮卡也叫来了菲比和瑞秋帮忙写自己的誓词。
  • 英语PK台 第283期:希拉里发表"国家安全"演讲 Section 1 As a candidate for president, there is nothing I take more seriously than our national security. I've offered clear strategies for how to defeat ISIS, strengthen our alliances. I believe the person the Republicans has nominated for presiden
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