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  • 英语诗歌精选 安魂曲

    Requiem Requiem 安魂曲 Robert Louis Stevenson 罗伯特路易斯史蒂文森 Under the wide and starry sky, Dig the grave and let me lie. Glad did I live and gladly die, 在宽广高朗的星空下, 挖一个墓坑让我躺下。 我生也欢乐死...

  • 英语诗歌精选 死神,你莫骄傲

    Death Be Not Proud 死神,你莫骄傲 John Donne 约翰邓恩 Death, be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so; 死神,你休要得意,尽管有人说你, 威力无比、可怕至极。都是放狗屁。...

  • 英语诗歌精选 致少女,珍惜时光

    To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time 致少女,珍惜时光 By Robert Herrick 罗伯特赫里克 Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying: 玫瑰出花蕾,堪折直须折: 时光飞逝不停歇; And this same flower that sm...

  • 英语诗歌精选 明天,又一个明天

    Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow 明天,又一个明天 William Shakespeare 威廉莎士比亚 Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, 明天,明天,再一个明天, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day 一天接着一天地蹑步前进,...

  • 英语诗歌精选 记住我

    Remember 记住我 Christina Georgina Rossetti 克里斯蒂娜吉奥尔吉娜罗塞蒂 Remember me when I am gone away, Gone far away into the silent land; 愿君常忆我,逝矣从兹别; 相见及黄泉,渺渺音尘绝。 When you can no more...

  • 英语诗歌精选 如果记住就是忘却

    If Recollecting Were Forgetting 如果记住就是忘却 Emily Dickinson 艾米莉迪金森 If recollecting were forgetting, Then I remember not. 如果记住就是忘却, 那我不愿记住什么。 And if forgetting,recollecting, How near I had f...

  • 英语诗歌精选 青春的飞逝

    The Flight of Youth 青春的飞逝 Richard Henry Stoddard 理查德亨利斯托达德 There are gains for all our losses. 我们失去的一切都能得到补偿, There are balms for all our pain; 我们所有的痛苦都能得到安慰; But when...

  • 英语诗歌精选 这些美好不会消逝

    These Things Shall Never Die 这些美好不会消逝 Charles Dickens 查尔斯狄更斯 The pure, the bright,the beautiful,That stirred our hearts in youth 一切纯洁的、辉煌的、美丽的, 强烈地震撼着我们年轻的心灵 The dreams...

  • 英语诗歌精选 友谊如微风

    Friendship Is Like the Breeze 友谊如微风 Terri Fanning 特里范宁 Friendship is like the breeze, 友谊如和煦的微风, You can't hold it, Smell it, Taste it Or know when it is coming, 你握不住它, 闻不到它, 尝不到它, 无法...

  • 英语诗歌精选 朋友

    Friend 朋友 Sometimes in life, You find a special friend; Someone who changes your life just by being part of it. 有时在生活中, 你会发现一个特别的朋友; 有人通过成为你生活的一部分而改变你的命运 Someone who make...

  • 英语诗歌精选 友谊地久天长

    Auld Lang Syne 友谊地久天长 Robert Burns 伯特彭斯 Should auld acquaintance be forgot,and never brought to mind? 怎能忘记旧日朋友 心中能不怀想 旧日朋友岂能相忘 Should auld acquaintance be forgot and days of auld lang sy...

  • 英语诗歌精选 我父亲是我的英雄

    My Father Was My Hero 我父亲是我的英雄 My father was my hero, all throughout my life. 我的父亲就是我的英雄,从始至终 The father of eight children, he saw his share of strife. 身为八个孩子的父亲,他明白自己重任在...

  • 英语诗歌精选 母亲之歌

    The Song of the Old Mother 母亲之歌 William Butler Yeats 威廉巴特勒叶芝 I rise in the dawn, kneel and blow, till the seed of fire flicker and glow. 我在清晨起床,跪在火炉旁用力吹着炉膛 直到点点火星燃起,摇曳着红...

  • 英语诗歌精选 慈母颂

    Mother Machree 慈母颂 There's a spot in my heart which no colleen may own; There's a depth in my soul never sounded or known; 在我心中有那么一隅, 任何少女也不能占据。 它埋在我灵魂的深处, 我从不声张从不表露。...

  • 英语诗歌精选 赐予我生命的女人

    The Woman in My Life 赐予我生命的女人 The woman in my life Catches me when I've fallen And holds me like a baby when I'm hurt 我生命中的这位女性,总能在我堕落时 将我接住 当我受伤时 视我如婴孩般的拥抱 No matt...
