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英语听力精选进阶版 7635

时间:2018-12-20 01:36来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

The United Nations nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, has expressed deep and increasing concern about Iran's nuclear programme. A resolution passed by the agency's board called on Tehran to clear up outstanding questions about its nuclear capabilities1 without delay, but stopped short of referring Iran to the UN Security Council. Last week, an IAEA report said there was considerable evidence that Iran had undertaken the experiments geared towards developing a nuclear weapons capability2. James Reynolds reports.

联合国核观察机构国际原子能组织(IAEA)对伊朗的核项目表示日益担忧,该组织委员会会通过一项决议,要求德黑兰当局马上解决其核能力上的突出问题,由于没有将伊朗问题提交联合国安理会,该决议失效。上周,IAEA发表一份报告,称有大量证据表明,伊朗所做的实验是为提高一种核武器的性能。James Reynolds报道。

The IAEA board has voted to express its deep concern about Iran. It's asked the IAEA director general to report back in March, but it's not referring the country to the United Nations for further sanctions - in other words, criticism but no immediate3 action. The four Western countries would have preferred moves towards more sanctions, but Russia and China said no. Western diplomats4 are happy that the six countries have agreed a single response to Iran. But it's not yet clear what kind of impact a statement of criticism will have on the government of the Islamic republic.


Tens of thousands of Egyptians have joined rallies in Cairo and Alexandria to denounce what they see as moves by the military authorities to entrench5 their power. The army and security forces did not intervene. The protests were backed by Islamists, but the BBC Cairo correspondent says demonstrators from across the political spectrum6 took part to express their frustration7 at the military rulers' slow pace of reform.


The new Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti has won full approval from parliament for his austerity plan to deal with the country's budget crisis. The lower house followed the senate in giving his government an overwhelming vote of confidence. Alan Johnston is in Rome.

意大利新总理马里奥·蒙蒂获得议会全部支持,通过他解决本国预算危机的紧缩计划。继参议院后,蒙蒂政府在下议院的信任投票中也获得绝对支持。Alan Johnston报道。

For now at least, nearly all the political parties say they'll support Mr Monti as he sets out to restructure the economy. He's warned that he'll demand sacrifices of the Italian people. His austerity programme will include tighter control of spending, more tax and pension reform. But Prime Minister Monti has also said he'll work for greater social fairness and create more jobs for young people.


Scientists have managed to repeat an experiment which shows subatomic particles travelling faster than the speed of light. There had been scepticism about the results of the first experiment. Jason Palmer has the details.

科学家再次完成一项实验,证明亚原子粒运行速度比光速要快。此前他们曾对第一次试验结果表示怀疑,Jason Palmer报道。

The team shook the world two months ago with its claim that neutrinos could beat the speed of light. Travelling through 700km of rock, the particles seemed to show up billionths of a second earlier than they should have. But critics said the groups of neutrinos were far more spread out in time than that tiny difference, blurring8 the team's ability to accurately9 measure them. Now the team has repeated the experiment with groups lasting10 for a less time and found almost exactly the same result. It's now up to other teams around the world to confirm the striking findings.


World News from the BBC

The British Prime Minister David Cameron says Britain and Germany agree on the need for decisive action to stabilise the eurozone. Speaking in Berlin after talks with the German Chancellor11 Angela Merkel, Mr Cameron said a stabilisation mechanism12 should have detail, meaning and punch behind it. He gave no specifics.


President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil has signed a law creating a truth commission to investigate past human rights abuses, including those committed during military rule between 1964 and 1985. The commission will have the power to access all government documents, but an amnesty law means it won't lead to any prosecutions13.


Leading climate scientists have warned that governments must implement14 policies to deal with the effects of more dangerous and unpredictable weather. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, meeting in Uganda, says global warming means heat waves, floods and droughts are likely to become more frequent and intense. Our science correspondent David Shukman reports.

主要的气候科学家警告说,各国政府必须实施政策,应对越来越危险和难以预料的气候的影响。政府间气候变化专门委员会与会乌干达,称全球变暖意味着热浪、水灾和旱灾可能变得更频繁更剧烈。我们的科学记者David Shukman报道。

As with all reports by the UN climate panel, this one was checked by governments from around the world before being published. It says it's virtually certain we'll see higher temperatures in the years ahead and that it's likely many regions will see more heavy rain. As to the role of man, the report says greenhouse gases are likely to have caused recent warming, but for the next few decades our influence will be relatively15 small compared to natural variability. That's not what environmental campaigners will want to hear.


The High Court in London has heard new allegations against a private investigator16 who worked for the tabloid17 newspaper News of the World. The investigator, Glenn Mulcaire, was jailed for phone hacking18 in 2007. Lawyers for phone-hacking victims said he was also involved in a practice called pinging - a technique to locate people using their mobile phones, which can only be used legally by the police and security forces.

伦敦最高法院听审对一名私人调查者的新控告,此人曾就职于世界新闻报的通俗小报。调查者Glenn Mulcaire2007年因电话窃听案入狱,电话窃听受害者的律师称,此人还用过一项名为pinging的技术,定位手机使用者的位置,按法律规定,只有警察和安全部队可以使用此项技术。


1 capabilities f7b11037f2050959293aafb493b7653c     
n.能力( capability的名词复数 );可能;容量;[复数]潜在能力
  • He was somewhat pompous and had a high opinion of his own capabilities. 他有点自大,自视甚高。 来自辞典例句
  • Some programmers use tabs to break complex product capabilities into smaller chunks. 一些程序员认为,标签可以将复杂的功能分为每个窗格一组简单的功能。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
2 capability JsGzZ     
  • She has the capability to become a very fine actress.她有潜力成为杰出演员。
  • Organizing a whole department is beyond his capability.组织整个部门是他能力以外的事。
3 immediate aapxh     
  • His immediate neighbours felt it their duty to call.他的近邻认为他们有责任去拜访。
  • We declared ourselves for the immediate convocation of the meeting.我们主张立即召开这个会议。
4 diplomats ccde388e31f0f3bd6f4704d76a1c3319     
n.外交官( diplomat的名词复数 );有手腕的人,善于交际的人
  • These events led to the expulsion of senior diplomats from the country. 这些事件导致一些高级外交官被驱逐出境。
  • The court has no jurisdiction over foreign diplomats living in this country. 法院对驻本国的外交官无裁判权。 来自《简明英汉词典》
5 entrench hZPzV     
  • A series of measures were designed to entrench democracy and the rule of law.采取一系列措施旨在巩固民主和法制。
  • These dictators have entrenched themselves politically and are difficult to move.这些独裁者在政治上已经站稳了脚跟,很难推翻他们。
6 spectrum Trhy6     
  • This is a kind of atomic spectrum.这是一种原子光谱。
  • We have known much of the constitution of the solar spectrum.关于太阳光谱的构成,我们已了解不少。
7 frustration 4hTxj     
  • He had to fight back tears of frustration.他不得不强忍住失意的泪水。
  • He beat his hands on the steering wheel in frustration.他沮丧地用手打了几下方向盘。
8 blurring e5be37d075d8bb967bd24d82a994208d     
n.模糊,斑点甚多,(图像的)混乱v.(使)变模糊( blur的现在分词 );(使)难以区分
  • Retinal hemorrhage, and blurring of the optic dise cause visual disturbances. 视网膜出血及神经盘模糊等可导致视力障碍。 来自辞典例句
  • In other ways the Bible limited Puritan writing, blurring and deadening the pages. 另一方面,圣经又限制了清教时期的作品,使它们显得晦涩沉闷。 来自辞典例句
9 accurately oJHyf     
  • It is hard to hit the ball accurately.准确地击中球很难。
  • Now scientists can forecast the weather accurately.现在科学家们能准确地预报天气。
10 lasting IpCz02     
  • The lasting war debased the value of the dollar.持久的战争使美元贬值。
  • We hope for a lasting settlement of all these troubles.我们希望这些纠纷能获得永久的解决。
11 chancellor aUAyA     
  • They submitted their reports to the Chancellor yesterday.他们昨天向财政大臣递交了报告。
  • He was regarded as the most successful Chancellor of modern times.他被认为是现代最成功的财政大臣。
12 mechanism zCWxr     
  • The bones and muscles are parts of the mechanism of the body.骨骼和肌肉是人体的组成部件。
  • The mechanism of the machine is very complicated.这台机器的结构是非常复杂的。
13 prosecutions 51e124aef1b1fecefcea6048bf8b0d2d     
起诉( prosecution的名词复数 ); 原告; 实施; 从事
  • It is the duty of the Attorney-General to institute prosecutions. 检察总长负责提起公诉。
  • Since World War II, the government has been active in its antitrust prosecutions. 第二次世界大战以来,政府积极地进行着反对托拉斯的检举活动。 来自英汉非文学 - 政府文件
14 implement WcdzG     
  • Don't undertake a project unless you can implement it.不要承担一项计划,除非你能完成这项计划。
  • The best implement for digging a garden is a spade.在花园里挖土的最好工具是铁锹。
15 relatively bkqzS3     
  • The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.兔子是相对较新引入澳大利亚的物种。
  • The operation was relatively painless.手术相对来说不痛。
16 investigator zRQzo     
  • He was a special investigator for the FBI.他是联邦调查局的特别调查员。
  • The investigator was able to deduce the crime and find the criminal.调查者能够推出犯罪过程并锁定罪犯。
17 tabloid wIDzy     
  • He launched into a verbal assault on tabloid journalism.他口头对小报新闻进行了抨击。
  • He believes that the tabloid press has behaved disgracefully.他认为小报媒体的行为不太光彩。
18 hacking KrIzgm     
  • The patient with emphysema is hacking all day. 这个肺气肿病人整天不断地干咳。
  • We undertook the task of hacking our way through the jungle. 我们负责在丛林中开路。
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