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英语听力精选进阶版 7822

时间:2018-12-21 06:03来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

Wang Fei: 大家好,欢迎收听《都市掠影》节目。我是王飞。伦敦著名的博物馆 the Victoria & Albert Museum 正在举办一个非常有趣的展览。展览的主题是一个英国人家喻户晓的连环画中的主人公,Peter Rabbit 小兔彼得。


I shall tell you a story about four little rabbits, whose names were - Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail, and Peter…

Wang Fei: 小兔彼得是深受英国儿童们喜欢的一个卡通形象之一。它从诞生到现在已经有100多年的历史了。我们一起听一听一位博物馆的观众是如何看待小兔彼得的?


How do we like Peter Rabbit? Well, the pictures, they're very very delicate, very beautifully produced. The stories are fascinating without being too moralistic...

Wang Fei: 她说 the pictures are very delicate and beautifully produced. 图片精致、制作精美。The stories are fascinating without being too moralistic. Moralistic 是说教的意思。她说故事非常吸引人,但是没有说教的味道。那 Peter Rabbit 讲了一个什么样的故事呢?我们一起听一听 Emma Laws 讲一讲小兔彼得的故事。Emma is the Frederick Warne Curator of Children's Literature at the Victoria & Albert Museum.


Well, there's Peter, of course. He's a particularly naughty rabbit. These are his sisters: Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail. The other main character in the story is of course Mr McGregor and of course the mother, Mrs Rabbit. So Mrs Rabbit is the one who goes shopping, leaving her children to look after themselves. The three sisters go and pick blackberries but Peter's very naughty and runs away to Mr McGregor's garden, where he has a series of rather horrifying1 and terrifying incidents but eventually escapes...

Wang Fei: 其实小兔彼得的故事非常简单,他就是一个 particularly naughty rabbit 特别淘气的小兔子。小淘气 Peter 做什么了呢? 我们再听 Emma 说一遍。


The three sisters go and pick blackberries but Peter's very naughty and runs away to Mr McGregor's garden, where he has a series of rather horrifying and terrifying incidents but eventually escapes...

Wang Fei: Peter 的姐妹们去采 blackberries 黑莓,但是 Peter 跑进了 McGregor 先生家的花园。And has a series of horrifying and terrifying incidents 经历了一系列的恐怖又可怕的事情。 But he eventually escapes 但是它最终还是逃脱了。 就是这么简单的一个故事,可是为什么不光英国的孩子们,就连大人们也都这么喜欢这本小连环画册呢?我们继续听 Emma 给我们讲述。听的时候注意 illustration 的意思是画册中的插图、图片的意思。


Every flower in her illustrations is a named flower. The rabbit, Peter Rabbit himself, is not a cartoon character – he actually looks like a real rabbit, although he's wearing a jacket, but he's anatomically correct. And it's that wonderful blend of reality and fantasy and it's a very magical characteristic of her work...

Wang Fei: Emma 觉得这本画册就是 a wonderful blend of reality and fantasy 现实和幻想的完美结合。其实小兔彼得正是这个连环画作者 Beatrix Potter 女士的宠物。Beatrix Potter 从她的宠物兔 Peter 的身上获得了灵感,于1893年创作了 Peter Rabbit 的形象。Beatrix Potter 女士在英国不但是一位杰出的画家还是一位慈善家。深受英国人民的尊重。我们下面听一位参观者对展览的感受。


In the summer we went to the Lake District to see Beatrix Potter's house there. And so we saw some pictures of hers, but these ones following the story from the beginning right the way through to publication is very good, very good...

Wang Fei: Lake District 湖区是英格兰西北部的一片湖光山色的自然国家公园。被采访者去那里参观过 Beatrix Potter 女士的故居,在伦敦又欣赏到了她创作 Peter Rabbit 连环画的历程,当然是非常兴奋的。在节目的最后,是 Beatrix Potter 女士曾经为她的宠物 Peter Rabbit 做的题词,希望从中你能体会到她和 Peter 之间的深厚感情。听众朋友们我们下次节目再会。


In affectionate remembrance of poor old Peter Rabbit, who died on the 26th of January 1901 at the end of his 9th year… whatever the limitations of his intellect or outward shortcomings of his fur, and his ears and toes, his disposition2 was uniformly amiable3 and his temper unfailingly sweet,an affectionate companion and a quiet friend.


1 horrifying 6rezZ3     
  • He went to great pains to show how horrifying the war was. 他极力指出战争是多么的恐怖。
  • The possibility of war is too horrifying to contemplate. 战争的可能性太可怕了,真不堪细想。
2 disposition GljzO     
  • He has made a good disposition of his property.他已对财产作了妥善处理。
  • He has a cheerful disposition.他性情开朗。
3 amiable hxAzZ     
  • She was a very kind and amiable old woman.她是个善良和气的老太太。
  • We have a very amiable companionship.我们之间存在一种友好的关系。
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