In Drake's song "Child's Play," fans questioned who the rapper was referring to with the line, "Why you gotta fight with me at Cheesecake/You know I love to go there." The 12-minute music video was released Saturday night, and the woman in the video is none other than supermodel actress Tyra Banks. After sneaking1 a peek2 at the rapper's phone, Tyra smashes a piece of cheesecake in his face and pours a glass of red wine over his head.
在德雷克的歌曲“Child's Play”中,歌迷们都很好奇他的歌词“你为什么要在起司蛋糕店与我争吵,你知道我喜欢去那里”指的是谁。这个12分钟的音乐视频于周六晚上发布,视频中的女人正是超模演员泰拉·班克斯。在偷看了一眼德雷克的手机之后,泰拉就将一块起司蛋糕扔在德雷克的脸上,随后还将一瓶红酒倒在他头上。