英语新闻听写 美警方称洛杉矶炸弹威胁系恶作剧
Fresh air is not the norm anymore in China. 在中国,新鲜空气已不是常态。 Earlier this month, Beijing issued its first-ever red alert for smog the most serious warning on a four-tier system adopted a little over two years ago. 本月早些
英语新闻听写 北京防雾霾 销售瓶装空气
Fresh air is not the norm anymore in China. 在中国,新鲜空气已不是常态。 Earlier this month, Beijing issued its first-ever red alert for smog the most serious warning on a four-tier system adopted a little over two years ago. 本月早些
英语新闻听写 美"沃斯堡"号将前往圣地亚哥维修
This summer a multi-million dollar naval vessel will set out on a six-week long journey from Singapore to San Diego. 今年夏天,造价数百万美元的美国军舰将从新加坡前往圣地亚哥,航行时常为六周。 Powered by its gas tu
英语新闻听写 测一测谁是你心目中的超级英雄?
Find Your Perfect Superhero Match 测一测谁是你心目中的超级英雄? eHarmony has created a compatibility quiz that tells users who their ideal superhero match is, 美国eHarmony网站最近做了一次关于谁是你心目中的超级英雄
英语新闻听写 丹佛暴雪致机场数百航班取消
More than 2 feet of snow fell as a a powerful blizzard swept through Colorado on Saturday forcing the cancellation of most of the scheduled flights at the Denver airport, officials said. 周六官员表示,超过2英尺的暴风雪席卷科罗拉多,
英语新闻听写 观赛需谨慎 女子被棒球棍击中生命垂危
Woman Hit in Head by Bat at Boston Baseball Game, Seriously Injured 观赛需谨慎 女子被棒球棍击中生命垂危 A Police spokeswoman said, A female baseball fan was struck in the head by a broken bat 警方表示,周五,一名女性棒球观
英语新闻听写 第三方表带为Apple Watch充电
A year ago, Reserve Strap, an accessory company decided to make a wristband that can charge the Apple Watch. 一年前,配件公司Reserve Strap决定为苹果手表生产充电表带。 The wristband would utilize an extra port on the watch. 通过额
英语新闻听写 密苏里州麦当劳推出无限量薯条
A new McDonalds in Missouri is offering customers all-you-can-eat french fries when it opens in July. 今年7月,麦当劳连锁将在密苏里州开业,新店将向顾客提供自助薯条服务。 The franchises owner, Chris Habiger, announced
英语新闻听写 休斯敦遭遇罕见暴雨致5人遇难
Houston, Texas was hit with eighteen inches of rain this Monday, and five people passed away because of the horrific weather. 周一德克萨斯州休斯敦遭遇18英寸暴雨,可怕的天气造成5人遇难 In Harris County alone, one thousand ho
英语新闻听写 任天堂3DS将收入超任经典游戏
Some of Nintendo's best games can now be played on the go on Nintendo 3DS. 任天堂经典游戏将登陆Nintendo 3DS游戏机。 This week, New 3DS models bought in the last two years can now get Super Metroid, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Pas
英语新闻听写 麦当劳推出全新巨无霸
McDonald's is experimenting with bigger and smaller versions of its classic Big Mac. 麦当劳试水大型巨无霸与小型巨无霸。 According to CBS News, the company says it's testing a Grand Mac and Mac Jr. in the Central Ohio and the Dallas a
英语新闻听写 厄瓜多尔地震已造成400多人遇难
On the third day of rescue efforts in Ecuador, more bodies than survivors are being discovered, as the death toll climbed beyond 400 on Tuesday. 厄瓜多尔救援工作第三天,相比幸存者更多遇难者尸体被发现,周二死亡人数达到
英语新闻听写 微软Xbox 360正式停产
The gaming world says goodbye to an old friend, 10 years old to be exact. 问世十年来,游戏产业向老朋友告别。 Microsoft has announced it will stop production of the Xbox 360. 微软宣布Xbox 360游戏主机停产。 Xbox CEO Phil Spe
英语新闻听写 标靶百货提高最低时薪
Discount retailer Target Corporation has started raising employee wages to a minimum of $10 an hour, its second hike in a year. 折扣店标靶百货公司提高员工最低时薪,这也是标靶今年第二次升薪。 Sources tell Reuters the com
英语新闻听写 大众对柴油车车主进行补偿
Volkswagen has reportedly reached a settlement with the United States government over charges that it gave its diesel vehicles software to cheat federal emissions tests. 据报道大众与美国政府达成一项协议,关于控告其在柴油车使用
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