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  • 中英双语新闻 欧洲理事会主席警告英国退出欧盟后果

    Hello I am AM with the BBC news. Syria's president Bashar al-Assad has cast doubt on whether a ceasefire proposed for later this week can be implemented. The cessation of hostilities was agreed by world powers at a security meeting in Munich last wee...

  • 中英双语新闻 雀巢结束对国际田联的赞助

    Hello, I'm Sue Montgomery with the BBC News. Aid agencies have warned that a humanitarian crisis in Syria caused by fighting around the northern city of Aleppo, is turning into an utter catastrophe. Thousands of people are fleeing a Russian-backed go...

  • 中英双语新闻 国际社会承诺捐资百亿美元

    The EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini says the 10 billion dollars pledged at a London conference to help victims of the Syrian conflict is no real answer to Syria's troubles. Without a political solution, she said the donors would have to co...

  • 中英双语新闻

    This is the BBC News. Hello, I am Nick Kelly. A donor conference for Syria, at which $9 billion of aid is being sought, opens in London today one day after UN-sponsored talks aimed at ending the Syrian civil war broke down. Britain has announced it w...

  • 中英双语新闻 美国总统初选克鲁兹党内首战告捷

    Hello, I'm Thomas Sanders with the BBC news. The Texas Senator Ted Cruz has won the Iowa caucus for the Republican Party nomination, the first public vote in the race for the US presidency. He beat the favorite Donald Trump into second place. Senator...

  • 中英双语新闻 德国发布加紧难民控制计划细节

    Hello, I'm Ally Micue with the BBC News. The international Olympic authorities say that everything possible is being done to protect this year's Games in Brazil from the Zika outbreak. The mosquito-borne virus is strongly suspected to have caused a b...

  • 中英双语新闻 美国研究者称需10年才能推出寨卡疫苗

    I'm John Macintosh with the BBC News. Hello. Researchers in the United States have warned that it could take a decade for a vaccine against the Zika virus to be made available. Scientists at the University of Texas say most of the time will be taken...

  • 中英双语新闻 iPhone销量下滑令投资者担忧

    Hello, I am Zoe Diamond with the BBC news. The world's tennis authorities have announced an independent review into the effectiveness of their anti-corruption practices, after allegations that evidence of possible match fixing was not followed up. Th...

  • 中英双语新闻 iPhone销量将首次下滑

    The world tennis authorities have announced an independent review into the effectiveness of anti-corruption practices in the sport. The announcement was made at the Australian Open. It follows an investigation by the BBC and the website BuzzFeed News...

  • 中英双语新闻 瑞典15岁难民刺死难民中心员工

    This is the BBC news. Hello, I am Nick Kelly. A grand jury in American state of Texas has cleared the reproductive health organization, Planned Parenthood, of misconduct after it was accused of selling fetal body parts for profit. The panel, instead,...

  • 中英双语新闻 美国财政部指控普京腐败罪

    美国财政部指控普京腐败罪 BBC news. Hello I'm John Shay. The US treasury has told the BBC that it considers the Russian president Vladimir Putin to be corrupt. The American government has already imposed sanctions on Mr Putin's aids, but i...

  • 中英双语新闻 暴雪之后美国东部居民扫雪忙

    Hello, I'm Thomas Anders with the BBC News. The BBC has learnt that the sportswear manufacturer Adidas plans to end its multi-million-dollar sponsorship deal with athletics world governing body in the wake of a doping scandal. Our sports editor Dan R...

  • 中英双语新闻 阿迪达斯计划停止对世界田联的赞助

    Hello, I'm Illy McKue with the BBC News. The BBC has learned that the sportswear manufacturer Adidas plans to end its multi-million-dollar sponsorship deal with athletics world governing body in the wake of a doping scandal. Neither Adidas nor the IW...

  • 中英双语新闻 法国总理称难民有颠覆欧洲的危险

    Hello, I'm Justin Grain with?the?BBC News. The French Prime Minister has warned that European society could be totally destabilized if it tried to take in every refugee who arrived on the continent. In a BBC interview, Manuel Valls said the migration...

  • 中英双语新闻 科学家发现比地球大10倍的行星9

    Hello, I am Marion Marshall with the BBC news. Billions of dollars have been wiped off stock markets around the world because growing concern about plunging oil prices and fears about economic slowdown. In New York, the Dow Jones Index close 1.5% dow...
