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相关教程: 实用英语 生活英语
  • 专门打击黑客的安全卫士“白客”

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  • Fun English: 帅爸爸的相貌传女不传男

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  • 常见英语外交词汇

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  • 沙尘天怎么保护自己(双语)

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    给员工高薪是最好的激励方式吗?当然是。人们期望自己的工作能得到报酬。但是薪酬对于成就卓越企业来说有多重要呢?结果可能并不如你想象的那样重要。 Numerous studies have attempted to find...

  • 有种旅行叫作人生 (双语阅读)

    Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person. With each passing day we learn to handle var...

  • [双语] 婆婆心里话大揭秘盘点

    1.When I really want to talk to my son privately, I don't call your house. I call his cell phone。 我要是真想跟我儿子说点私密话的话,我不会往你们家打电话,我会打他的手机。 2.I spent a couple of decades being the l...
