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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>资源技巧>实用英语>
相关教程: 实用英语 生活英语
  • 职场英语:外企生存十大必备英语词汇

    1、Performance (n.) 人业绩、表现 His performance this month has been less than satisfactory. 他这个月的业绩不是很令人满意。 2、Performance Evaluation 定期的员工个人评定 The performance evaluation test is a way of seein...

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    1. How may I direct you call? 您要哪里? 2. Could I have extension 239,please? 请转接分机239。 3. I'm sorry the number's engaged. 对不起,这个电话有人在打。 4. The line is free now.I'll put you through. 不占线了,...

  • 职场英语:找工作必备的“口袋技能”

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  • 求职宝典:如何写出吸引眼球的简历

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  • 双语:提升工作幸福感的五个秘诀

    1. People Need You. Theres always someone who relies on you, no matter what type of work you do。 大家需要你:不论你的工作是什么,总有人需要你。 The public rely on the toilet cleaners to keep the toilets fresh. The public rely...

  • 职场潮词:出差狂人“油领”

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    Text me! 发我短消息! English has a very difficult spelling system, and it can take a long time to spell out one word. So, many people now shorten words to speed up the process. This saves time, but it can also confuse people if they are not fami...

  • 外贸英语:实用商务报盘英语

    We're willing to make you a firm offer at this price. 我们愿意以此价格为你报实盘。 We can offer you a quotation based upon the international market. 我们可以按国际市场价格给您报价。 We'll let you have the official offer...

  • 盘点外企里回头率最高的十大英文名

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  • 中国国家机关名称中英对照

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  • 新闻热词:权力交接仪式

    中国外交部发言人秦刚23日在北京宣布,应乌拉圭东岸共和国政府邀请,水利部部长陈雷将作为中国政府特使赴乌拉圭出席于3月1日举行的乌拉圭总统权力交接仪式。 请看相关报道: The Specia...
