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相关教程: 实用英语 生活英语
  • 开口ABC 之 挑战保姆

    First One: Nothing is impossible to a willing mind. Motivational speakers and books often point out that the main reason people do not realize their dreams or fail to achieve a goal is not physical bu...

  • 开口ABC 之 寻找洗手间

    Nice day, huh? Follow me for fun on ABC Happy Express! 天气无限好啊!坐上ABC快乐快车,跟我去寻找快乐吧! First One: Where's the washroom? Restroom, ladies'/men's room, the john, toi...

  • 开口ABC 之 左三拳 右三拳

    Gotta go for some outdoor sports now! Louder and louder! 一起来跑出去做点运动吧!大声读吧!再大声点! First One: Do you like to play outdoor sports? Soccer, football, baseball, a...

  • 开口ABC 之 故事新编:黄世仁和杨白劳

    Trust me! Here's a lot of fun in the ABC Express! Come on! 相信我!"ABC快乐快车"快乐多多!一起来吧! First One: You must keep your word. This is an appeal to the borrowers' sense of...

  • 开口ABC 之 目击证人

    Be brave! Hurry up to ABC Happy Express! 勇敢点!快来"开口ABC"快乐快车吧! First One: I witnessed a kidnapping. This is very serious. It means that someone saw another person being force...

  • 开口ABC 之 有朋自远方来

    1. Make yourself at home. Alternative sentence: "My house is your house."Both sentences are very warm ways of welcoming a guest. 请随意,把这儿当成自己的家吧! "Make yourself at home"和"My...

  • 开口ABC 之 用英文“求婚”

    1. We've been going out for quite some time now. This is said as aprecursorto something else.It can be a good warm up sentence to tell your partner that you're madly in love with them. "Precursor"是"前...

  • 开口ABC 之 在“Outlook”牛排屋

    1. Can I see the menu first? In fact, when you go to a western restaurant the hostess/host will usually give you the menu as soon as you are seated.You are more likely to ask this if you want to check...

  • 开口ABC 之 问路

    1. "Excuse me, do you knowswheresthe Shuang'An Market is?" Answer: "Yes, as a matter of fact I do.Do you need directions? " Alternative sentence: "Excuse me, do you know how to get to the Shuang'An Ma...

  • 开口ABC 之 与陌生人搭讪

    1."Excuse me, do you have the time?" Answer: "Yeah, it's about half past two." This is a casual and more friendly way of asking for the time.You can also use "What time do you have?" but this is usual...

  • 发誓保守秘密


  • 问路

    英语问路MP3 下载...

  • 定一间房


  • 外出旅行该花钱时


  • 度暑假

