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  • 20句最常用口头禅

    1、You bet. 为什么当老美说,You bet. 的时候,就代表你说的一点也没错的意思呢?因为 bet 是下赌注的意思,所以 You bet. 就是指,You can bet money on that. (你可以把钱下注在上面),言下之意,就是...

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  • 不常见的日常英语用法

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  • 在英语中如何形容美女

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  • 信用证条款

    27: Sequence of total 序列号 F:w ] G ? U m.R 1/1 指只有一张电文 40A: Form of documentary credit 跟单信用证形式 IRREVOCABLE 不可撤消的信用证 20: Data of issue 12345678 信用证号码 31C: Date of issue 开证日 2002XXXX 31D:...

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  • 十大英语写作万能句子

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  • 奥巴马改变美国命运的十句话

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    Many years ago, a baby boy came into this world. But unfortunately, he didn't come with a cry, which was a big problem from the medical point of view. The doctor, tough and quick, turned the baby upside down and slapped his bottom sharply. The baby c...

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    Tea has complex compounds called polyphenols which are believed to help the arteries to relax or dilate, thus enabling a smoother flow of blood. 茶中含有一种叫多酚的复杂混合物。这种物质据信能帮助放松或扩张动脉,从而使...

  • 今年母亲节换个花样儿过

    Mother's Day is celebrated to honor all mothers and express gratitude for the hardships they bear in bringing up a child. 母亲节是向妈妈们致敬,并表达出我们感激她们生育之恩的一种方式。 Most countries including US, Austr...

  • 一切刚开始(双语美文)

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  • 28年后的生活大猜想(双语)

    当下,全球城市化进度迅猛。在城市人口超过全球人口总数一半的21世纪初叶,城市成为上海世博会的主题别有深义。 Today, the world is rapidly urbanizing. With half of the world population expected to live in...
