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  • 振动手套助盲者“看”世界

    Vibrating gloves will soon replace the white cane to help blind people see their surroundings. 不久的将来,振动手套将取代盲杖帮助盲人看见周围的环境。 This is the prediction of a British team who has developed a prototype gl...

  • 吃货有福啦 KFC推出可食用咖啡杯

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    With billions of dollars at his disposal, you'd imagine Warren Buffett enjoying gourmet meals whipped up by a chef and served up on a gold platter. But it turns out the billionaire's tastes are a bit more, shall we say, elementary. Buffett, 84, credi...

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  • 小米进军美国 先卖耳机和腕带

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  • 减肥新发现 要想瘦吃辣椒

    It's long been thought that chillies can help us lose weight. 很长时间以来大多数人都觉的辣椒能帮助减肥。 Now, new research has proved the fiery food can aid weight loss by speeding up metabolism. 目前一项最新研究确实证实...

  • 生活大爆炸:让2人数小时爱上彼此的36问

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  • 神应用听肠胃声音帮你下单

    If you find yourself spending too much time deliberating over which toppings to pick for your pizza, Domino's is here to save the day. 如果你还在为选择什么口味的披萨而发愁,达美乐现在可以帮你解决。 The pizza firm's new...

  • 过敏症可能与洗碗方式有关

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  • 最成功的人都会自动做这些事

    Pick Fights to test others resolve in their own beliefs. In business you cant turn over the reins to someone who doesnt know how to defend their own ideas and plans. 引起纷争来检验他人对信仰有多坚定。在企业你不能把事情交给那...

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    People should listen to music for no more than one hour a day to protect their hearing, the World Health Organization suggests. 世界卫生组织(WHO)建议,为了保护听力,人们每天听音乐的时间最好不要超过1个小时。 It...

  • 产后抑郁症通常始于产前

    A large new study has documented unexpected links in the timing and severity of symptoms of maternal depression, which could help mothers and doctors better anticipate and treat the condition. 一项新的大型研究记录了孕产妇抑郁症的发作...
