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相关教程: 雅思英语
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  • 雅思名师:英汉写作核心表达差异b


  • 齐辙:雅思写作改错练习(一)

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  • 齐辙:雅思写作改错练习(二)

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  • 组合式作文句子综合运用

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  • 克服雅思写作软肋的原则和方法

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  • 运用复合句写好雅思写作引言段

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  • 雅思写作图表描述应注意的问题

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  • 雅思写作佳句赏析

    1The reason why we have so much packaging is that we consume so much more on a daily basis than families did in the past. 赏析:定语从句,表语从句和比较状语从句三个从句的结合。表义清晰,是表达原因时必备的句型。...

  • 张金:雅思写作热身结构

    1. has/have a lot of advantages over has/have the advantage of 2. be of great benefit to sb./sth. 3. benefit sb./sth. benefit from 4. do good to be good for do damage to/damage sth. 5. be as (not so)as 6. not so much as The reason for the rapid incre...

  • 雅思范文:国际旅游与文化冲突

    Nowadays,international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree? International t...

  • 雅思写作多样化句式手段

    雅思写作的评分标准变为:TR,CC,GRA和LR后,评分标准细化,具体化,从而对英语语言基本功的考查力度加大。 笔者现将在课堂上讲的多样化句式的一部分内容拿出来跟读者共享。 句子开头的...
