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相关教程: 英语口语
  • 实用口语练习:与天气有关的口语(上)

    与天气有关的口语 1. What's up with him today? He has a face like thunder! 他今天怎么了?他看着怒气冲冲的。 2. I'm a bit disappointed in John and David. It turned out they were only fair-weather friends. 我对约翰和大卫有点...

  • 实用口语练习:今日事今日毕

    1、Dont let the grass grow under ones feet 不要什么事也不干,浪费时间 2、The report is due on Friday . 这个报告这周五要交。 due:到期的 3、We have a research paper due every other week. 我们每两周就要交篇论文。...

  • 实用口语练习:各种哭的说法(二)

    1. be in tears 含泪,泪流满面 Most of us were in tears by the time hed finished his story. 他讲完故事时,我们大多数人都已泪流满面。 2. have tears in ones eyes 眼里含着泪水 Jane turned to me with tears in her eyes, and...

  • 实用口语练习:各种哭的说法(一)

    1、reduce somebody to tears 使某人不禁流泪 He nagged and complained, and reduced Louise to tears. 他唠唠叨叨,不停地抱怨,使路易斯不禁流泪。 2、somebodys eyes water(风、烟雾等) 使眼睛淌眼泪 Joes eyes were...

  • 实用口语练习:你还在犹豫吗?

    1、After much wavering, he finally gave his permission. 犹豫了半天,他最后还是同意了。 2、Quit being wishy-washy and make a decision. 别优柔寡断了,做个决定吧! 3、Irresolute persons make poor victors. 优柔寡断的人很...

  • 实用口语练习:不只是裸露这么简单

    bare:做形容词时,意为空的,裸露的,仅有的,稀少的。做动词时意为裸露,露出。 跟bare相关的习语又有哪些呢? 1.bare-bones:梗概,本质。 例句:This one is the bare-bones model. It has no accessori...

  • 实用口语练习:遮人耳目

    dig up dirt on 我们要学的第一个习惯用语是:dig up dirt on。从字面来看dig up dirt on就是把脏东西挖掘出来。不说你也想得到, 这儿的脏东西一定指那些见不得人的丑事,这个习惯用语的意思就是查...

  • 实用口语练习:接待用语

    久仰! I've heard so much about you! 好久不见了! Long time no see. 辛苦了! You've had a long day.You've had a long flight. 尊敬的朋友们! Distinguished/Honorable/Respected friends 阁下(多用于称呼大使) Your Excellency 热...

  • 实用口语练习:英语客套话

    1. So far so good(目前为止,一切都好)例句:Everything is going well. So far, so good 。 所有的事情都进行得很好,到目前为止,一切顺利。 2. Be my guest(请便、别客气) 例句:Please be my guest tonight。 今晚我...

  • 实用口语练习:劝君“上当”一回

    实用口语练习:劝君上当一回 1. Mary was done brown! 玛丽上当了! 2. He was dumped on. 他上当了。 3. You have been spoofed. 你上当了。 4. You've really been taken. 你真的上当了。 5. You have fallen into the trap. 你们上...

  • 实用口语练习:今天我做东

    1. It's on me. 我请客。 It's on the house. 免费赠送 2. It's my treat. 见了treat,别以为它只有对待的意思,它还可以表示款待、招待。当然treat还有名词的身份,表示请客、做东,所以如果你想表示我做...

  • 实用口语练习:“锅中的火花”

    1. The seventies saw a succession of one-hit wonders who were famous overnight and then never heard of again. 70年代出现了很多昙花一现的歌手。这些人往往一夜成名,但很快就没消息了。 one-hit wonders:昙花一现的奇葩...

  • 实用口语练习:说客 拾人牙慧

    1.reinvent the wheel白费力气做重复工作,拾人牙慧 You are just reinventing the wheel if you think you can make money by teaching computerwho can't use a computer these days? 如果你认为你能靠教电脑赚钱的话,你就在炒冷饭了...

  • 实用口语练习:今天你“团”了吗

    关键词:团购 groupbuying 也可以说: group purchase 团购如此之火,主要是因为参与者通过buyingroups,可以享受到大幅优惠,获得超低价优惠券。 网络团购,译为team buying on the Internet, group buying on t...

  • 实用口语练习:有钱人 称心如意

    1. Head Start 如果这两个词开头的字母是大写,则连在一起是一个专有名词,指的是美国政府为贫穷或弱智的儿童设立的一种训练机构,这种机构旨在帮助他们在进小学之前能赶上教学进度。例如...
