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相关教程: 英语美文
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    St. Valentine's Day has roots in several different legends that have found their way to us through the ages. One of the earliest popular symbols of the day is Cupid(爱神丘比特), the Roman god of love, who is represented by the image of a young b...

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  • 英语美文:女人的眼泪

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  • 英语美文:完美新世界

    这是一个令人心酸的故事,每个人都有权憧景新的生活,但年仅八岁的Philip除外,因为他缺乏憧憬未来的必要条件一个健康鲜活的生命,所以看看他的new life愿望吧,你一定被会为你的幸福感动...

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  • 英语美文:童真记趣

    A Funny Memory 童真记趣Oh God! I think I was about seven and half when my sisters and I pulled this stupid stunt. I remember watching television with them and the show on happened to be our favorite program to watch. All of a sudden we heard my b...

  • 英语美文:从不说他做不到

    We Never Told Him He Couldnt Do ItMy son Joey was born with club feet. The doctors assured us that with treatment he would be able to walk normally - but would never run very well. The first three years of his life were spent in surgery, casts and br...

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  • 英语美文:谁是我的梦中情人

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    ConsiderYOU. In all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like you. You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe. Wow! Stop and think about that. You're better than one in a mil...

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  • 英语美文:生命的秘密就在你的心里

    The Secret of LifeAs the Lord God was creating the world he called upon his archangels. The Lord asked his archangels to help him decide where to put the Secret of Life. Bury it in the ground, one angel replied. Put it on the bottom of the sea, said...

  • 英语美文:I Believe

    * I believe. * I believe in love because my wife taught me how. * I believe that a dance with fear leaves you winded, yet wiser. * I believe that having children has made me a better man. * I believe Speed Racer knew that Racer X was really his broth...
