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英语好歌分享:别样的性感 Cartel——Wasted

时间:2014-06-09 08:38来源:互联网 提供网友:qing   字体: [ ]

好歌分享:别样的性感 Cartel——Wasted

流行无罪、摇滚不死、庞克复活!一组满载着Power/Pop Punk的热血队伍Cartel,不仅大展年轻的活力本色,更堆砌出令人爱不释手的流畅声韵,大声唱出属于这世代的音乐,秀出拿手的玩乐、创作真本领,他们是足以让你眼睛一亮、耳朵大开的优质新团Cartel。美国极具公信力的摇滚杂志AP选为「你必须要知道的乐团」之一、赢得Yahoo音乐「Who’s Next」的竞争赛。


It's 2:45
The baby takes his first breath1
The mother never knew he only had a few left
And the father gets a call in the middle of the night
His breath gets short and his chest2 gets tight3

But he's sixteen and he's driving too fast
Takes a turn to the left
It would be his last
The body knows what happens if he turns to the right
The body in the car wouldn't die that night

But he's thirty-two and invincible4
The cancer he had, it was visceral
He never saw it coming
Thought he had his whole life
Sick in the morning and he died in the night

But we're all so
We're on the line
But we are aware, oh

We're wasted
No, no, no
We're all wasted
We're wasted
No, no
We're all wasted

You're seven years old
Got his bat in his hand
He's looking for his father
And he doesn't understand
Cause dad's too busy
Got some deals on the way
His son sits alone as the children play

And he's eighteen
He couldn't wait to move out
His parents want to know what the rush is about
He never bothered with his dreams
Only thinking of theirs
Wonders why he doesn't call
And why he doesn't care

But he's thirty-two and invincible
With everything he is based on principle
He never had a truly happy moment in his life
He didn't want the kids
And he didn't want his wife

We're wasted
No, no, no
We're all wasted
We're wasted
No, no
We're all wasted

We're wasted
We're all wasted
We're all wasted
No, no
We're all wasted

Twenty-three now
Got his life in his hands
He's looking all around
And he doesn't understand
Cause life's too busy
Things get in the way
We all feel alone every single day

And I'm eighteen
I couldn't wait to move out
It's been five years
And now I'm starting to doubt
Whether all my dreams are just aimless stares
Looking up to some place that isn't there

When I'm thirty-two, will I be miserable5
With everything around based on principle?
Well, I have a clue6
Wouldn't it be nice
To never be alone in this wasted life?

We're wasted
No, no, no
We're all wasted
We're wasted
No, no
We're all wasted

We're wasted
We're all wasted
We're all wasted
No, no
We're all wasted

We're wasted
We're wasted
We're wasted
No, no
Oh, wasted


1 breath 9SCyv     
  • I'm just going out for a breath of fresh air.我正要出去呼吸新鲜空气。
  • While climbing up the stairs the old man always loses his breath.那老人上楼时总是气喘吁吁的。
2 chest sUMyW     
  • The bear's chest is hairy.那只熊的胸部毛茸茸的。
  • Mother has a pain in her chest.母亲胸口疼.。
3 tight toCwI     
  • Time is going to be tight,so you'd better hurry.时间很紧,你最好抓紧一点。
  • The box is so tight that I can't open it.这个盒子太紧,我打不开。
4 invincible 9xMyc     
  • This football team was once reputed to be invincible.这支足球队曾被誉为无敌的劲旅。
  • The workers are invincible as long as they hold together.只要工人团结一致,他们就是不可战胜的。
5 miserable g18yk     
  • It was miserable of you to make fun of him.你取笑他,这是可耻的。
  • Her past life was miserable.她过去的生活很苦。
6 clue pWhyn     
  • She will clue you in about this.她将为你提供这方面情况。
  • No clue to his whereabouts has been found.至今没有找到有关他行踪的线索。
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