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英文歌曲:复古灵魂乐的温暖Joss Stone —Tell Me `Bout It

时间:2014-06-25 08:41来源:互联网 提供网友:qing   字体: [ ]

复古灵魂乐的温暖Joss Stone —Tell Me `Bout1 It

Artist: Joss Stone
Song:Tell Me 'Bout It

I need a little lovin'
at least two times a day
So when I call ya boy,
you better run here right away
Let's have a show of hands,
who's addicted2 to their man
If I could do the things I want to you,
you'd be changing all your plans
You wanna say I'm yours,
I wanna say get it
You wanna say, so say,
I know what you're thinking babe
So tell me babe
Tell me ‘bout it
Tell me how I feel
How you feel
And if the feeling's real
Feeling's real
Tell me what's the deal ,
hey hey hey
Tell me ‘bout it
Tell you how I feel
How it feels
And if the feeling's real
Feeling's real
Let's seal the deal
Hey Hey Hey
What you think about me
and you being together
Could you brink3 to share my cold
and stormy weather??
Have you got this under control
Show me you know about a woman's soul
So tell me babe
Tell me ‘bout it
Tell me how I feel
How you feel
And if the feeling's real
Feeling's real
Tell me what's the deal ,
hey hey hey
Tell me ‘bout it
Tell you how I feel
How it feels
And if the feeling's real
Feeling's real
Let's seal the deal
Hey Hey Hey
I'll make you feel the way you wanna feel
I love how it's real we're one in two minds
Maybe it will stick you'd better be quick
I hope that you heard me right
Tell me tell me cause I won't wait suspense
I just hate so spit it out now
If you're feeling like I do,
won't you come and do it to me
So tell me babe
Tell me ‘bout it
Tell me how I feel
How you feel
And if the feeling's real
Feeling's real
Tell me what's the deal ,
hey hey hey
Tell me ‘bout it
Tell you how I feel
How it feels
And if the feeling's real
Feeling's real
Let's seal the deal
Hey Hey Hey
Tell me bout it
Tell me bout it baby
Tell me bout it
Tell me bout it baby
Mmm I really wanna know
Come on now what's your story
Tell me
Tell me baby


1 bout Asbzz     
  • I was suffering with a bout of nerves.我感到一阵紧张。
  • That bout of pneumonia enfeebled her.那次肺炎的发作使她虚弱了。
2 addicted dzizmY     
  • He was addicted to heroin at the age of 17.他17岁的时候对海洛因上了瘾。
  • She's become addicted to love stories.她迷上了爱情小说。
3 brink OWazM     
  • The tree grew on the brink of the cliff.那棵树生长在峭壁的边缘。
  • The two countries were poised on the brink of war.这两个国家处于交战的边缘。
TAG标签:   英语歌曲  流行歌曲
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