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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>英语歌曲>流行英文歌曲>
  • 英语好歌推荐:Almost Here 仅仅在我身边

    Almost here - Brian Mcfadden Delta Goodrem did i hear you right? 'cos i thought you said lets think it over you have been my life and i never planned growing old without you shadows bleeding through the light where the love once shined so bright ca...

  • 英语流行好歌:Copeland - You Have my Attention

    流行好歌: Copeland - You Have my Attention Copeland是一支来自佛罗里达的乐队,签约于独立厂牌MilitiaGroup。天使般的声音MilitiaGroup官方网站上如此评价Marsh的唱腔。一个男人的声音被说成像天使一样,...

  • 英语民谣歌曲:Born - Over the rhine

    这是美国俄亥俄州、辛辛那提市的两个来自不同区的朋友组成的乐队。乐队的名字源于这两位朋友,为了打破各自所身处片区之间的各种迴异的信念,而命名为Over the rhine,意思是如彩虹那般搭...

  • 英语歌曲:干净简单 Black Box Recorder - Girl Singing in the Wrec

    干净简单:Black Box Recorder - Girl Singing in the Wrec It's my primary instinct to protect the child 保护孩子是我基本的本能 Girl singing in the wreckage 残骸上的女孩唱着 My dress is torn, my hair is wild 我的衣服是破的,我...

  • 英语歌曲:雨中浅吟 Forever at your feet - Oh Susanna

    雨中浅吟:Forever at your feet - Oh Susanna 相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖。下雨了,人散,心灰了 绝望来了.脆弱的我们总是那么容易受伤。。。 此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。。。。。。 Knocking...

  • 英语经典好歌:Patricia Kaas - If you go away

    在Patricia Kaas的历年作品集中,《Piano Bar》是相当特殊的一张。她演唱了法国香颂代表名曲如La Mcr、Ne Me Quittc Pas等,并大多数以英文演唱,因为《钢琴酒吧》希望能给更广大且突破文化限制的听...

  • 英文歌曲:教师节快乐 Elton John - Teacher I Need You

    教师节快乐 Elton John - Teacher I Need You I was sitting in the classroom Trying to look intelligent In case the teacher looked at me She was long and she was lean She's a middle-aged dream And that lady means the whole world to me It's a natura...

  • 英文流行歌曲:New Found Glory -It's Not Your Fault

    New Found Glory - It's Not Your Fault It was a cold California, Even in the summer, She was wrapped in a blanket by the pool,(包在...里, 被...笼罩 / 全神贯注在) There were rapid statements, About life commitments, A sense of heat tha...

  • 英语经典歌曲:Patti smith - Mother Rose

    Patti smith,一个唯美主义的歌者,确切来说是吟唱诗人,带来的一首Mother Rose,也唱出了母性的追求完美和伟大。 Mother rose Every little morn' To tend to me There she stood Waiting by the door Selflessly Took my h...

  • 英文好歌推荐:Xandria - Eversleeping (走遍七大洋,寻找我的爱)

    英文好歌:Xandria - Eversleeping (走遍七大洋,寻找我的爱) Once I travelled seven seas to find my love 我曾经走遍七大洋,寻找我的爱 And once I sang 700 songs 亦曾无数次歌唱 Well, maybe I still have to walk 7000...

  • 英文流行歌曲:秋日涓涓水泉 Espers - Rosemary Lane

    秋日涓涓水泉:Espers - Rosemary Lane When I was in service in Rosemary Lane I won the good will of my master Amberdine Until a young sailor came there to stay And that was the beginning of my misery He called for a candle to light him to bed A...

  • 英文流行歌曲:FM Static - Tonight (只想紧握你的手)

    FM Static - Tonight (只想紧握你的手) I remember the times we spent together on those drives We had a million questions all about our lives and when we got to New York everything felt right I wish you were here with me tonight I remember th...

  • 英文流行歌曲:4AM - Our Lady Peace(和平的呐喊)


  • 英文流行歌曲:Cold hands (Warm Heart)

    Cold hands (Warm Heart) Cold hands, warm heart We just need some time apart And everything will be okay Oh no, not again Why does it always happen? It seems like every other day You're too quiet, I'm too loud Now we've rid a storm cloud I'll see you...

  • 英文流行歌曲:Something Nice - 寂静的清凉(Stina Nordenstam)

    在摁下play键之前你无法预知她声音的形态--无论是乐器的声音还是她的嗓音。也许她的嗓音和唱腔是最值得人云亦云之处 Almost give it a try I sure do I wake up early thinking of you And I paint my eyes In ligh...
