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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>英语歌曲>流行英文歌曲>
  • 英文单曲推荐:YOUTH GROUP - Forever Young

    乐队:YOUTH GROUP 歌名:Forever Young Let's dance in style let's dance for a while, Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies, Hoping for the best but expecting the worst, Are you gonna drop the bomb or not? Let us die on let us live foreve...

  • 英文歌曲:Bowling for soup - 1985

    歌名:1985 歌手:Bowling for soup 1985也好,1995也罢,年代不是障碍 年龄也不是问题,关键在于 你的心里是否有年轻的阳光照射 梦想,事业,爱情, 都是青春的美妙旋律, 希望你能用心谱写 RAY...

  • 英文歌曲欣赏:Better Together - Jack Johnson

    歌名:Better Together 歌手:Jack Johnson 年轻的心总是不安分的, 年轻人总想让人感觉与众不同, 年轻总有发泄不完的精力; 我们真实,我们率直,因为我们年轻 There is no combination fo words I could...

  • 英文歌曲:谱写青春美妙旋律 - 我们都年轻

    谱写青春美妙旋律 - 我们都年轻 歌曲:Goodbye Alice in Wonderland 演唱:Jewel It's four in the afternoon I'm on a flight leaving L.A. Trying to figure out my life and My youth scattered along the highway Hotel rooms and headlights I'...

  • 英语歌曲:耷拉着小耳朵 Trembling Blue Stars - Nobody but you

    耷拉着小耳朵 Trembling Blue Stars - Nobody but you 很难不被nobody but you的歌词所打动,它述说了深切动人的感情,又更像是bob wratten的喃喃自语,忧郁但平静... 清脆的吉他弹奏令人心弦颤动沉浸其中,他唱...

  • 英文歌曲:Rap 你是我的一切~~

    来自越南的说唱歌手Chuckie Akenz,自幼生活在混乱的多伦多芬治大街(Jane Finch),一直到19岁.从一个因为家庭的原因而与朋友加入黑帮的小混混,成长为一个拥有全球惊人CD畅销量的歌手.被多伦...

  • 英语歌曲:静寂的冬天,孕育的季节 Eels-Dead of Winter

    在达到那个点之前,还有相当长的一段时间可以利用,I do the things I want to do, believe the things I love. Eels-Dead of Winter standing in the dark outside the house breathing in the cold and sterile air well I was thinking how...

  • 英语歌曲:爱情遭遇挫折,独自承受 or 两人分担 ( The Mirror Phase )

    Damon Naomi的音乐,既没有复杂编曲,连旋律也是淡淡然的,很简单,但内里却隐着很深远的感情,很不简单。 The Mirror Phase (Damon Naomi with Ghost) Out on the heath, our pleasures seem so small. Those stones were...

  • 英文经典歌曲:不管发生了什么Don't worry be happy - Bobby Mcferrin

    Here's a little song I wrote You might want to sing it note for note Don't worry,be happy In every life we have some trouble When you worry you make it double Don't worry,be happy Don't worry,be happy Don't worry,be happy Don't worry,be hap...

  • 英文单曲欣赏:I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker -- Sandi thom

    [chorus] Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair In '77 and '69 revolution was in the air I was born too late into a world that doesn't care Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair When the head of state didn't play guitar...

  • 中英翻唱歌曲:一个人(翻唱歌曲 Frente V.S 林忆莲)

    一个人(翻唱歌曲 Frente V.S 林忆莲) Artist: Frente Song: Bizarre love triangle Every time i think of you I feel shot right through with a bolt of blue It's no problem of mine but it's a problem I find Living a life that I can't leave beh...

  • 英语歌曲:光棍?不如来根冰棍!Daniel Powter: Bad Day

    光棍?不如来根冰棍!Daniel Powter: Bad Day where is the moment when we need it the most you kick up the leaves and the magic is lost you tell me your blue sky 's faded to grey you tell me your passions is gonna away and i don;t need no carr...

  • 英文歌曲:Keith Urban--making memories of us

    Keith Urban--making memories of us 新西兰出生,澳洲长大的Keith Urban有着十分抢眼的外表,除了过人的音乐才华广受各大音乐媒体推荐,他出色的外表占据了不少杂志封面,时人杂志[最性感的男人]的...

  • 英文歌曲推荐:Beatles--yesterday

    披头士乐队(The Beatles,又译甲克虫乐队)对于世界范围内摇滚乐的发展做出了非常巨大的贡献,影响了自60年代以后的数代摇滚乐队的音乐和思想,直接影响了摇滚乐的变革和发展,在英国,披...

  • 英文歌曲欣赏:Alan Jackson--remember when

    lan Jackson是继Garth Brooks之后,最著名的乡村音乐歌手,他完整的继承了80年代兴起的新传统主义演唱风格。这位倍受歌迷喜爱的歌手,唱法朴实自然,音乐富有深意,并且具有很高的创作才华,...
