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听歌学英语:了不起 It's Amazing

时间:2016-03-21 08:36来源:互联网 提供网友:qing   字体: [ ]

Do it, now. 现在就行动吧
You know who you are. 你认清了真正的自己/相信自己的能力
You feel it in your heart.在你的心里能够感觉得到
And you're burning ambition.你踌躇满志
But first, wait. 但稍安勿躁
Won't get it on a plate. 理想不会轻易实现
You gonna have to work for it. 你必须去争取
Harder and harder.努力再努力
And I know, 我明白
Cause I've been there before.因为我也曾经经历
Knocking on the doors with rejection(rejection). 想敲开那些门却被拒绝
And you'll see. 然后你会想通
Cause if it's meant to be.因为如果这就是你命中注定要做的
Nothing can compare to deserving1 your dreams.没有什么可以和亲手实现自己的梦想相比

It's amazing, it's amazing all that you can do.太棒了,真的很厉害,你能做到的那一切
It's amazing.如此了不起
Makes my heart sing. 连我的心都要为你歌唱
Now it's up to you. 现在,就看你的了

Patience, now. 拿出你的耐心来
Frustration2 is in the air. 挫折无处不在/挫折让人防不胜防
And people who don't care. 那些不了解你的人
Well it's gonna get you down.这些都会让你沮丧
And you'll fall. 你会失败
Cause you will hit a wall. 因为你会碰壁
But get back on your feet. 但是没关系你会重新站起来
And you'll be stronger and smarter. 你会因此变得更强更明智
And I know. 我了解
Cause I've been there before.因为我也有过此种经历
Knocking down the doors. 敲不开的门咱们破门而入
Won't take no for an answer.绝不接受拒绝/绝不向NO低头
And you'll see. 然后你会明白
Cause if it's meant to be. 如果命中注定要成功
Nothing can compare to deserving your dreams.没有什么可以和亲手实现自己的梦想相比
It's amazing, It's amazing. 太棒了,真的很厉害
All that you can do. 你能做到的一切
It's amazing. 都如此惊人
Makes my heart sing. 连我的心都要为你歌唱

Now it's up to you. 现在,就看你的了
(synthesized) Don't be embarrassed. Don't be afraid. Don't let your dreams slip away. 别尴尬,别胆怯,别让梦想溜走
Don't be scared of using your gift-everyone has a gift. 别害怕运用你的天赋,每个人都有自己的天赋
Never give up.Never let it die. 绝不放弃,绝不死心
Trust your instincts3, and most importantly. 相信自己的直觉,然后最重要的是:
You've got nothing to lose, so just go for it. 你也没什么可损失的/你没什么输不起,只管勇往直前去做吧!

It's amazing, It's amazing. 太棒了,真的很厉害
All that you can do. 你能做到的一切
It's amazing. 都如此惊人
Makes my heart sing. 连我的心都要为你歌唱
Now it's up to you. 现在,就看你的了!
It's amazing, It's amazing. 太棒了,真的很厉害
All that you can do. 你能做到的一切
It's amazing. 都如此惊人
It makes my heart sing. 连我的心都要为你歌唱
Now it's up to you. 现在,就看你的了!

(You)Won't get it on a plate. 理想不会轻易实现
on a plate 在盘子里;现成地;不费力地
Even the presidency4 was handed to him on a plate.他甚至连总统之位都是不费工夫得来的。
They just handed the game to the other team on a plate. 他们让另一支球队轻易地赢得了比赛。
have enough/a lot/too much on your plate 问题(或工作等)成堆;要做的工作太多了;忙得不可开交
We have enough on our plate. 我们手头现有的事情已经够忙的了。
He's got too much on his plate. 他手边有太多事要做了。

Cause I've been there before.因为我也曾经经历
been there done that: been there 去过那里了;done that 做过...了, 两者放一块意思为‘早已经历过,不足为奇;对某件事情已经不再新鲜,有点历尽沧海难为水的感觉’
No, I don't want to climb Mount5 Washington; been there, done that.不,我不想去爬华盛顿山,我已经爬过了,很无聊。
Do you have any "Been there,done that!"experiences? Maybe a job interview that was really intense6?a long road trip with your family where you got stuck in traffic? or getting bitten by a lot of mosquitoes when you were on a camping trip.你有过这些类似的经历吗?例如一场让你十分紧张的面试?和家人一起长途旅游却遇到堵车又或者野营的时候遭遇蚊子围攻?

Cause you will hit a wall but get back on your feet.你会碰壁但是没关系你会重新站起来
to hit a wall:碰壁;受挫
When you hit a wall and things don't turn up the way they were intended, no one is saying to you: "This is where you stop because you failed". 当你碰了壁,事情没有朝预想的方向发展,没有人在对你说:“你失败了,放弃吧。”
What would you do if your business hit a wall?如果你的生意没有进展,你会怎么做?
get back on your/one's feet:振作;重新开始;恢复元气
That's just a drop in the bucket. I need too much to get back on my feet.那只是杯水车薪,我需要一大笔钱来清偿债务。
Our goal is to help him get back on his feet.我们的目标就是帮助他重新振作起来。

Won't take no for an answer.绝不接受拒绝/绝不向NO低头
He simply refused to take no for an answer.他压根就不接受‘不行’这样的答复。
They want to know why things happen and they don't take no for an answer.他们要知道事情发生的原因,不得到答案不会甘休。
They're not just ordinary people. They don't take "no" for an answer.他们不是普通人,他们的答案里没有‘不’字。

You've got nothing to lose, so just go for it. 你也没什么可损失的/你没什么输不起,只管勇往直前去做吧!
You've got nothing to lose:没什么可以输;没有后顾之忧;没什么可以损失;没什么好怕的
Just hear me out. You've got nothing to lose, right?先听我把话说完,你又没损失不是吗?
There's really nothing to lose, and everything to gain.这么做一点损失都没有,好处倒不少。


1 deserving KufzoW     
  • to give money to a deserving cause 把钱捐给值得赞助的事业
  • All the causes seem equally deserving. 看来所有的这些事业都同样值得投身。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 frustration 4hTxj     
  • He had to fight back tears of frustration.他不得不强忍住失意的泪水。
  • He beat his hands on the steering wheel in frustration.他沮丧地用手打了几下方向盘。
3 instincts 64f2f340603b0e9647b754d02fda4fb6     
本能,天性,直觉( instinct的名词复数 )
  • The sight of the hopeless little boy aroused her maternal instincts. 那个绝望的小男孩的模样唤起了她的母性。
  • Don't ask me; follow your instincts and do what you think is right. 不要问我,凭你自己的直觉行事,你认为什么是对的就去做什么。
4 presidency J1HzD     
  • Roosevelt was elected four times to the presidency of the United States.罗斯福连续当选四届美国总统。
  • Two candidates are emerging as contestants for the presidency.两位候选人最终成为总统职位竞争者。
5 mount 6Fixv     
  • Their debts continued to mount up.他们的债务不断增加。
  • She is the first woman who steps on the top of Mount Jolmo Lungma.她是第一个登上珠穆朗玛峰的女人。
6 intense G5axf     
  • Susan was an intense young lady.苏珊是一个热情的年轻姑娘。
  • The quarrel caused her intense unhappiness.争吵令她极其不快。
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