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相关教程: 英语歌曲 英文歌曲
  • 听歌学英语:Strangers-Halsey / Lauren Jauregui

    She doesn't kiss me on the mouth anymore 她再也不再亲吻我唇 Cause it's more intimate, then she thinks we should get 因为如今已更加亲密她思索着我们应该保持的距离 She doesn't look me in the eyes anymore 她再也没注视过...

  • 听歌学英语:恶魔 Demons

    When the days are cold 当暗无天日 And the cards all fold 当希望落空 And the saints we see 先辈在远方 Are all made of gold 闪烁着烁烁金光 When your dreams all fail 梦想沦丧之时 And the ones we hail 将是膜拜邪恶之日...

  • 听歌学英语:众所周知 Everybody Knows

    Everybody knows that the dice are loaded 每个人都知道骰子被灌了铅 Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed 每个人都为自己的命运捏了一把汗 Everybody knows that the war is over 每个人都知道战争已经结束 Everybody...

  • 听歌学英语:Remember I Told You-Nick Jonas / Anne-Marie / Mike Posner

    Remember I told you, I need you 记得我对你说过我需要你 Remember the spark that was there 记得你我之间的火花就在那心底 All of the words that I'm saying 所有我说过的话语 Are just a fancy way of saying I care 都是变换着...

  • 听歌学英语:习惯麻木 Comfortably Numb

    Hello 有人在吗? Is there anybody in there 请问这里还有人在吗 Just nod if you can hear me 如果听到我说话就点下头好吗 Is there anyone home 请问有人在家吗 Come on, now 出来吧 现在 I hear you're feeling down 我感觉...

  • 听歌学英语:Kodaline-Love Will Set You Free

    I'm sure you're probably busy getting on with your new life 我确信你可能已经又开始忙碌你的新生活了 So far away from 时过境迁 So far away from 离过去已经那么远了 probably:[prɑ?b?bli] adv:大概,或许 get on with...

  • 听歌学英语:The Prologue-Halsey

    Two households, both alike in dignity 有两个同样尊贵的家族(以下摘自罗密欧与朱丽叶) In fairVerona,where we lay our scene 在美丽的维罗纳,我们的故事发生的地方 From ancient grudge break to new mutiny 仇恨徘徊...

  • 听歌学英语:I Promise-Radiohead

    I won't run away no more, I promise 我向你承诺 我再也不会落荒而逃了 Even when I get bored, I promise 即使我厌倦了这世间的人情世故 Even when you lock me out, I promise 甚至你将我拒之门外 I say my prayers every nig...

  • 听歌学英语:醇美男女对唱 Why We Try

    I just want you here with me 我只想让你在我身边 Breathing the air you breathe 呼吸着你呼吸的空气 Whisper the words you know 想在你耳边让你知道 I'll never let you go 我永远不会让你离开 I won't let you go.. no 不会让...

  • 听歌学英语:Troye Sivan&Allday-For him

    We are runnin' so fast 行色匆匆 And we never look back 从不回望 And whatever I lack, you make up 我所有的缺憾,都有你补充 We make a really good team 你我合作得紧密无缺 And though not everyone sees 世人虽未都见得 We...

  • 听歌学英语:Walls Could Talk-Halsey

    Been about three days and I'm comin' back 苦苦三天之后我终将回归 I'm about four minutes from a heart attack 用四分钟历经一场心碎 And I think you make me a maniac 我想你已让我成疯成魔 But you don't know 但你却不晓得...

  • 听歌学英语:若我英年早逝 If I Die Young

    If I die young bury me in satin 若我英年早逝,请将我葬在绸缎中 Lay me down on a bed of roses 让我躺在铺满玫瑰的床上 Sink me in the river at dawn 在黎明时分将我沉入河中 Send me away with the words of a love song 用情...

  • 听歌学英语:Someone's Somebody-Jasmine Thompson

    Hmm-hmm Hmm-hmm-hmm Hmm-hmm Hmm-hmm-hmm I can't control ya 我完全不能控制你 Even though I want to 即使我想 And you know it's torture 你知道这对我来说是多么的折磨 'Cause you brought someone new 当你带来你的新人 And I...

  • 听歌学英语:你到底几个意思 What Do You Mean

    What do you mean? When you nod your head yes But you wanna say no What do you mean? When you don't want me to move But you tell me to go What do you mean? Said we're running out of time, what do you mean? Better make up your mind What do you mean? 你到...

  • 听歌学英语:寂寞水晶灯 Chandelier

    Party girls don't get hurt,cant feel anything, 派对女孩不会受伤 毫无感觉 When will I learn 我何时才吸取教训? I push it down, push it down 我强压自己的感情 强压着 Im the one for a good time call 我就是那约炮来找...
