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相关教程: 英语歌曲 英文歌曲
  • 听歌学英语:Good Day-Yellow Claw

    You make me feel like 你让我想 All those kids that 像那群孩子一样 Were supposed to stay the night 该在这过夜 But changed their mind and call their mommy 但又改变了他们的心意,让他们回家 You're not me, I am dirty 你并不...

  • 听歌学英语:活着真好 Andy Grammer-Good To Be Alive(Hallelujah)

    I've been grinding so long, been trying this shit for years 磨磨蹭蹭,犹豫不决,终于决定放手 And I got nothing to show, just climbing this rope right here 没什么可展现的,只要不断往上爬 And if there's a man upstairs, he...

  • 听歌学英语:Linkin Park&Kiiara-Heavy

    comfort n. 舒适 panic n. 惊慌 escape v. 逃离 drag v. 拖/拉 spin v. 旋转 paranoid adj. 多疑的 messy adj. 散乱的 set free 释放 stack up 堆起来 drive someone crazy 使某人发狂 《Heavy》 Linkin Park I dont like my mind right...

  • 听歌学英语:Without You-Sophie Francis

    Oh babe, we are doing this 哦宝贝我们正在做的 It felt right, but I'm done with it 感觉不赖但我已经完事了 I'm done with it 我已经完事了 No one came close to it 没有人能靠近它 So bright, but you 'fraid it 如此耀眼你却...

  • 听歌学英语:Another Night-Mike Williams

    It's been so long 已经过了如此之久 Since I have seen your face 自我上次看见你面庞 I'm a thousand miles away, from you 就与你,迢遥千里之距 And It's a sad song I've been singing every day 每天我都会哼着这首悲伤的调...

  • 听歌学英语:做自己 Mike Posner-Be As You Are

    Virginia woolf and poetry 读着Virginia woolf的书和她的诗 No one seemed to notice me 似乎无人察觉我的存在 Being young was getting so old 青春的年龄 却是垂老的外表 Cheap beer and cigarettes 沉迷在廉价烟酒中 Life wa...

  • 听歌学英语:Superficial Love-Ruth B

    You're really cute I must admit 你真的很可爱我必须承认 But I need something deeper than this 但我需要比这更加深刻的感觉 I wanna know when I'm looking at you 我想知道当我看着你的时候 That you don't only see the thin...

  • 听歌学英语:Sophie Francis-Without You

    I never knew 我从未察觉 When the clock stopped and I'm looking at you 自己在凝视你时如此入神,仿佛时间停止了流逝 I never thought I'll miss someone like you 我从不知我会如此想念你 Someone I thought that I knew 想念...

  • 听歌学英语:Something just like this

    legend n. 传说 myth n.神话 wanna = want to 想要 superhuman adj.超人的;超出常人的 fairytale adj.童话式的 bliss n.幸福;极乐;天赐的福 testament n.圣经旧约;圣经新约 eclipse n.日或月食 unroll v.展示 《Somet...

  • 听歌学英语:Waterfall-StarGate / P!nk / Sia

    I'm in your waterfall 我陷在你的瀑布之中 I'm in your waterfall 在你的包围之中 I'm in your waterfall 深陷在你爱的瀑流 Oh, I'm in the jungle now 我藏在那丛林之中 You've been seeking, I've been hiding out 你苦苦寻觅我...

  • 听歌学英语:Adam Levine-Lost Stars!

    Please don't see 我恳求你不要只是在意 Just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies 那个陷入美梦和幻想的我 Please see me 也请求你能看到一次 Reaching out for someone I can't see 我竭力去碰触那遥不可及的人 Take...

  • 听歌学英语:Flame-Tinashé

    Cold in the night when I hold you close 寒夜凛凛 我抱紧你 Searching your eyes but you're gone like a ghost 寻觅与你四目相对的眼神 你却像幽灵一般躲开 And I say baby you can put it on me 尽管依靠着我吧 'Cause I know I...

  • 听歌学英语:Battle Symphony-Linkin Park

    I got a long way to go 漫漫路途在我前头 And a long memory 留下冗长的记忆 I been searching for an answer 我一直在探索真正的答案 Always just out of reach 却总差一尺之距 Blood on the floor 热血地上挥洒过 Sirens re...

  • 听歌学英语:Every Day's A Weekend-Dirty Class

    Hey girl can I take you out tonight? 嘿,女孩,我今晚能约你出去吗 Ima pick you up around 9:45, 我应该会在9:45来接你 We gon get some food 我们会先去吃点东西 And right after hit the club. 然后去夜店好好玩一下 Gi...

  • 听歌学英语:玻璃心 Me and My Broken Heart

    All I need's a little love in my life 我只需要 在生命中增添一丁点爱 All I need's a little love in the dark 我只需要 在黑暗低潮时有些许的爱陪伴 A little but I'm hoping it might kick start 虽然 只有微薄 但希望能鼓...
