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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>英语歌曲>影视英文歌曲>
  • 《往事如浮烟》插曲:Under The Moonlight

    Under The Moonlight,原为日剧《悠长假期》插曲,后又成为《一号皇庭》续集的插曲。Natalie Burks的歌声飘渺悠远,往事历历在目。 Under The Moonlight,原为《悠长假期》插曲,后又成为《一号皇庭》...

  • 《小美人鱼》插曲:Under the sea在海底

    The seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake You dream about going up there. But that is a big mistake Just look at the world around you, right here on the ocean floor Such wonderful things surround you. What more is you looking for? Under t...

  • 《三个火枪手》插曲:All For Love一切为爱

    这是根据大仲马的名著《三个火枪手》(The Three Musketers)改编的影片主题曲,由三位当时世界顶级歌手以沙哑嗓音共同演绎。男人味很浓。 When it's love you give I'll be your man of good faith When it's...

  • 《精灵鼠小弟》主题曲:I'm alive - Celine Dion

    When you call on me When I hear you breathe I get wings to fly I feel that I'm alive When you look at me I can touch the sky I know that I'm alive When you bless the day I just drift away All my worries die I'm glad that I'm alive You've set my heart...

  • 《冷山》主题曲:Alison Krauss - You Will Be My Ain True Love

    You'll walk unscathed through musket fire, No ploughman's blade will cut thee down, No cutler's horn will mark thy face And you will be my ain true love, And you will be my ain true love And as you walk through death's dark veil, The cannon's thunder...

  • 《星尘》主题曲:Take That - Rule the world 渴求的百分百童话

    Take That于07年10月22日发行了他们的最新单曲Rule The World,这首歌收录在电影Stardust的原声带中,在UK单曲榜上也取得了不错的成绩。 Take That - Rule the world You light the skies, up above me A star, so bright,...

  • 《功夫熊猫》主题曲:Kung Fu Fighting

    动画片《功夫熊猫》在北美拿到了6000万美元,轻松夺取票房冠军。 Chorus: Everybody is Kung fu fighting, Your mind becomes fast as lightning Although the future is a little bit frightening If look at your life then you're arriv...

  • 《相见恨早》主题曲:Look What You've Done - Jet

    Take my photo off the wall If it just won't sing for you 'Cause all that's left has gone away And there's nothing there for you to prove Oh, look what you've done You've made a fool of everyone Oh well, it seems likes such fun Until you lose what you...

  • 《发胶》主题曲:I Know Where I've Been - Queen Latifah


  • 《怪物史瑞克2》主题曲:Joseph Arthur - You are so true

    I'm strange And you're strange Don't want you to change No way Ah ha ha ah Why can't I explain Flying to the sun Without a plane When you're here Ah ha ha ah And don't you worry 'bout me babe 'cause I'm right here For you to say Hope you know You ins...

  • 《恐龙》主题曲:Only Love 唯一的爱

    Only Love《唯一的爱》真情马克 迪士尼三维动画大片《恐龙》主题曲 2.a.m.and the rain is falling here we are at the crossroads once again you're telling me you're so confused you can't make up you mind is this meant to be you're...

  • 《雷霆战警》插曲:Light Of My Life 生命之光

    Light Of My Life《生命之光》王力宏雷霆战警插曲 Lara Fabian feat. Lee Hong Wang Light Of My Life Wandering like a leaf upon the wind I have been searching for someone Holding out for a love to shake my soul Heaven or nothing Then you wa...

  • 《新罗密欧与茱丽叶》插曲:Love Fool 爱情傻瓜

    Dear, I fear we're facing a problem You love me no longer, I know And maybe there is nothing That I can do to make you do Mama tells me I shouldn't bother That I ought to stick to another man A man that surely deserves me But I think you do So I cry,...

  • 《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》片尾曲:Beck - Everybody's gotta learn sometime

    Change your heart Look around you Change your heart It will astound you I need your lovin' Like the sunshine Everybody's gotta learn sometime Everybody's gotta learn sometime Everybody's gotta learn sometime Change your heart Look around you Change y...

  • 《恋爱梦游中》主题曲:If You Rescue Me - Chanson Des Chats

    If you rescue me I'll be your friend forever Let me in your bed I'll keep you warm in winter All the kiddies are playing And they're having such fun I wish it could happen to me But if you rescue me I'll never have to be alone again Oh the cars drive...
