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  • 2020年经济学人 疫情下的租房驱逐保护令(3)

    Although the CDC order is doubtless well-intended, whether it will be judged legal is still uncertain. The latitude given to public-health officials to contain an epidemic is broad, but this kind of action has no recent precedent. Without any immedia...

  • 2020年经济学人 疫情下的租房驱逐保护令(2)

    A deus ex machina of sorts has come from the Centres for Disease Control (CDC), the federal public-health agency that is occasionally the target of the presidents scorn. Arguing that evictions hasten the spread of the virus, it issued a sweeping mora...

  • 2020年经济学人 全球贸易—潦而不倒(2)

    Covid-related products including computing equipment for home-working 自6月份以来,包括家用办公电脑设备在内的疫情相关产品, has accounted for the majority of China's year-on-year export growth in each month since June. 在中国...

  • 2020年经济学人 全球贸易—潦而不倒(1)

    In Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill: Volume 2, an action drama, the protagonist, played by Uma Thurman, punches her way out of a coffin. 在昆汀塔伦蒂诺的动作片《杀死比尔2》中,由乌玛瑟曼饰演的主角打破棺材而出。 Global...

  • 2020年经济学人 疫情下的租房驱逐保护令(1)

    United States 美国版块 Eviction 驱逐 Shelter in place 就地避难 Can the executive branch halt evictions on public-health grounds? 政府行政部门能否因公共卫生问题而终止驱逐行为? Even in normal times, attending housing c...

  • 2020年经济学人 德国蓝筹股(2)

    Ironically, a big reason for investors enthusiasm is Delivery Heros non-German focus. A few years ago it offloaded its German businesses, Foodora, Lieferheld and Pizza.de, to Takeaway, a Dutch competitor. Since then it has eyed expansion in the Middl...

  • 2020年经济学人 环球航海家马文·克里默(4)

    Heavy cumulus clouds indicated land; diving petrels showed, specifically, the Falklands (as did the raf fighter jets that buzzed them, so soon after the war). Red sand-streaks on the sails in the dew of morning proved they were close to the Sahara. F...

  • 2020年经济学人 和机器人同行(2)

    If robots are to go where people go, they need to be able to move in the way that people move. 如果机器人要去人类去到的地方,它们需要能够像人类一样移动。 Wheels are useless for navigating much of the worldjust ask anyone...

  • 2020年经济学人 一周要闻 肯德基停用"吮指"广告 美国航空将裁1.9万人 英

    Public-sector net debt in Britain rose above 2trn pounds ($2.6trn) for the first time. The governments debt at the end of July was roughly equal to GDP. 英国公共部门净债务首次超过2万亿英镑(约合2.6万亿美元)。7月底,英国政府...

  • 2020年经济学人 德国蓝筹股(1)

    Business 商业板块 German blue chips 德国蓝筹股 Ascend and deliver 外卖超人上榜 Delivery Hero could last longer in the DAX 30 than the firm it has replaced 相比被取代的公司,外卖超人会在DAX 30榜单上停留更久 Joining...
