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  • VOA新闻杂志2022 拜登宣布对俄罗斯入侵乌克兰实施制裁

    American President Joe Biden announced severe sanctions against Russian banks and powerful Russian business leaders Tuesday. He accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of breaking international law in what Biden called the beginning of a Russian inv...

  • VOA新闻杂志2022--利用大象粪便制造酒精饮料

    Elephant Waste Used to Make Alcoholic Drink Les Ansley has developed an unusual kind of gin - a clear alcoholic drink that is flavored with fruits and seeds. Some of this gin's ingredients have passed through the digestive system of elephants. Les An...

  • VOA新闻杂志2022--沙特维权人士关注间谍软件

    Saudi Rights Activist Brings Attention to Spyware A Saudi Arabian women's rights activist has brought attention to computer programs known as spyware. These programs record activity on electronic devices and give those records to users of the softwar...

  • VOA新闻杂志2022--国民警卫队士兵帮助学校解决教师短缺问题

    National Guard Soldiers Help Schools with Teacher Shortage In some parts of the United States, many teachers or their family members have tested positive for COVID-19. They must stay home from work. As a result, there are not enough fill-ins to take...

  • VOA新闻杂志2022 亚洲国家寻求低成本武器升级

    Could More Africans Participate in Winter Olympics? There are over 1 billion people living in Africa, and many other Africans living around the world. But there were only six athletes representing Africa in this year's Beijing Winter Olympics. Can th...

  • Study: Small Groups Responsible for Smuggling Elephant Tusks

    United Nations: Pollution Deadlier than COVID-19 A United Nations report warns that pollution is leading to more early deaths around the world than the COVID-19 pandemic. A U.N. environmental report says: Pollution and toxic substances cause at least...

  • VOA新闻杂志2022--加沙发现2000年前的罗马公墓

    2000-year-old Roman Cemetery Found in Gaza A 2,000-year-old Roman cemetery has been found in the northern Gaza Strip, with the antiquities ministry calling it the most important local discovery of the past ten years. Gaza is rich with ancient objects...

  • VOA新闻杂志2022 俄罗斯计划在乌克兰附近举行核力量演习

    The Russian military has announced major training exercises of its nuclear forces while tensions with Ukraine remain high. 俄罗斯军方宣布举行大型核力量演习,同时俄罗斯与乌克兰之间的紧张局势仍然居高不下。 The mo...

  • VOA新闻杂志--非洲运动员呼吁让更多非洲人参加冬奥

    Could More Africans Participate in Winter Olympics? There are over 1 billion people living in Africa, and many other Africans living around the world. But there were only six athletes representing Africa in this year's Beijing Winter Olympics. Can th...

  • United Nations: Pollution Deadlier than COVID-19

    A United Nations report warns that pollution is leading to more early deaths around the world than the COVID-19 pandemic. A U.N. environmental report says: Pollution and toxic substances cause at least 9 million premature deaths, double the number of...

  • VOA新闻杂志2022 巴西山体滑体导致至少78人遇难

    Officials in Brazil said Wednesday that at least 78 people have died in landslides and floods in a mountainous area of Rio de Janeiro state. 巴西官员周三表示,里约热内卢州山区至少有78人因为山体滑坡和洪水遇难。 The cit...

  • Observers: Opinion of Prince Andrew Permanently Hurt by Sex Case

    Observers: Opinion of Prince Andrew Permanently Hurt by Sex Case Prince Andrew's decision to settle a claim that he sexually abused an underage woman years ago may bring an end to his legal difficulties. It will not, however, repair the damage done t...

  • Mexican Migrant Shelter Aims to Raise Its Own Food

    Mexican Migrant Shelter Aims to Raise Its Own Food A shelter in Mexico near the United States border is housing not only migrants and asylum seekers but also chickens, pigs, and possibly fish. Asylum seekers are forced to wait out their U.S. immigrat...

  • VOA新闻杂志2022 德约科维奇宁愿错过法网和温网也不打疫苗

    Tennis star Novak Djokovic said he would miss the French Open and Wimbledon rather than get vaccinated against COVID-19. 网球明星诺瓦克德约科维奇表示,他宁可错过法网和温网,也不接种新冠疫苗。 If given the choice, he...

  • Small Boat Launched by American Students Reaches Norway

    Small Boat Launched by American Students Reaches Norway Students in the northeastern U.S. state of New Hampshire sent a small boat into the Atlantic Ocean in October 2020. It was a school experiment to see where the ocean currents would take the 1.8-...
