When Milla Nemoudji divorced her husband following years of physical abuse, she found herself without a way to earn a living. The 28-year-old lived in a village in southern Chad. Though she grew up in a farming family, she struggled to earn money in...
A Zimbabwean who formerly hunted animals illegally is now in a program that turns such poachers into protectors of wildlife. Forty-seven-year-old Tembanechako Mastick grew up hunting, a tradition in his community. He also planted crops and raised far...
Angry drivers honk as cattle slowly march across and feed on the grass in the middle of the streets. It is a common sight for drivers in Nigeria's capital city Abuja. For the young herder guiding them, Ismail Abubakar, it is just another day. Abubaka...
It is after midnight when the windshield fogs up on Thomas Aycock's pickup truck. He smiles as he slowly drives through the sawgrass and down dirt roads deep in the Florida Everglades. His foggy windshield confirms what he knows. When the dew point d...
Miners in Botswana recently unearthed what officials say is the second largest diamond in mining history. The country's president Mokgweetsi Masisi presented the large stone to the public at a ceremony last week. The 2,492-carat gem is the biggest di...
Hundreds of California sea lions have taken over San Carlos Beach in Monterey, California, causing officials to close the area to people. Drawn to the animals, people still gather to take photos as they rest and play on the sand and in the water. Whi...
For tens of thousands of men in Uganda's capital, driving a motorcycle taxi is a way to make a living. For others, the vehicles known as boda-bodas are a necessary but dangerous form of transportation in a disorderly city. The young men sit on motorc...
In the American state of Kansas, a group of religious women have been calling on large companies to change the way they do business. The women are Catholic Benedictine religious workers called nuns. They live together in a monastery called Mount Sain...
A plan to build a huge solar farm in Australia is a step closer after the Australian government gave environmental approvals for the $19 billion project recently. Australian company Sun Cable plans to build a 12,400-hectare solar farm in a remote are...
Mongolia Aims to Gain More Foreign Visitors Mongolia, with its beautiful land and open spaces, is hoping to get more foreign visitors. Like most countries, Mongolia's tourism industry was hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic. It has launched a Welcome to Mo...
In Zimbabwe, increased wildlife activity near people has put children in rural areas at greater risk of animal attacks while walking to school. Officials and some parents hope a campaign to teach children how to identify danger could reduce risks. No...
The U.S. government plans to reduce the amount of Colorado River water several states are permitted to use next year. The river supplies water to seven Western states, more than 20 Native American tribes, and two states in Mexico. Those states and th...
The United States Navy has recently deployed new long-range air-to-air missiles in the Indo-Pacific area. The move could take away China's lead in the area, experts say. The AIM-174B is the longest-range air-to-air missile the U.S. has ever fielded....
An agency of Japan's government recently gave its first-ever megaquake advisory, or warning message. The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) issued the warning after a powerful quake struck on August 8 off the southeastern coast of Japan's main island...
In the green hills of central Bosnia and Herzegovina, Halim Zukic has recreated a nature park in the form of one of Vincent van Gogh's most famous paintings, The Starry Night. Zukic is from the town of Visoko. He decided to create a park after buying...