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  • 16家上市银行分红缩水83亿 招行最大方

    China's 16 listed banks have cut their dividend payouts for the past year amid slowing net profit growth. 由于净利润增长缓慢,我国16家上市银行削减了去年的分红。 According to the National Business Daily, the 16 listed banks p...

  • 12岁女孩发现古埃及护符

    12-year-old girl finds ancient Egyptian amulet 12岁女孩发现古埃及护符 An ancient Egyptian amulet was uncovered in Jerusalem by a young girl taking part in a family dig in the capital. 耶路撒冷小女孩参加圣殿山筛选项目考古活动...

  • 2016年什么行业最赚钱? 报告称今年网红能赚580亿!

    China's Internet celebrities are estimated to create a whopping 58 billion market in 2016, far surpassing the 44 billion yuan in box office sales generated last year, according to an industry report. 日前一份行业报告显示,2016年中国网红...

  • 我国资产评估行业首部大法将于年底正式实施

    China's top legislature last Saturday adopted a law on asset appraisal, the first law governing the country's asset appraisal industry. 上周六,我国最高立法机关通过了资产评估法。该法是首部管理我国资产评估行业的法律...

  • 中国翻拍韩剧热潮来袭 《太阳的后裔》将翻拍成电影

    The 2016 South Korean hit TV drama Descendants of the Sun is expected to head to the big screen as a Chinese-adaptation sometime over the next two years, Huace Film And TV, a Zhejiang Province-based media group, announced at a Beijing press conferenc...

  • 脱欧公投之后多家银行将业务迁出英国

    Banks have already begun to take action to shift operations out of the UK, with the governor of France's central bank warning last Saturday that Britain's financial services groups were at risk of losing their right to operate across the EU. 多家银行...

  • 中国品牌进军澳大利亚 华为老干妈强势登陆

    While Australian products in China are known for being clean and green, a growing number of Chinese companies are heading Down Under to try their luck in the Australian marketplace. 随着澳大利亚的产品因清洁和绿色而在中国众所周知,...

  • 国家卫计委调查 超七成中国家庭感觉幸福

    Who is happiest in China? 在中国谁最幸福? Women have a slight edge, but men are not far behind, according to a government-backed survey. And the happiness quotient goes up with age, and among people who are still in their first marriage. 根据...

  • 美国一男子称iPhone抄袭自己20年前创意 索赔100亿美元!

    A Florida man is arguing he created the iPhone and the iPad, and wants Apple to pay him $10 billion for stealing his idea. 美国佛罗里达州一名男子日前对苹果公司提起诉讼,要求索赔100亿美元。他宣称,iPhone和iPad都出自...

  • BauBax无线充电服装 穿上能随时给手机充电!

    Hiral Sanghavi is at it again. Hiral Sanghavi卷土重来。 Less than a year after the Kickstarter campaign for his BauBax jacket raised a whopping $9.2 million, he's debuting his next project -- clothes that wirelessly charge your devices. 他的Ba...

  • 亚马逊推两款会员专享补贴安卓手机 购买者必须看广告!

    Amazon is slashing prices for two Androids listed on the site. 亚马逊正在对其网站上的两款安卓手机进行降价销售。 The e-commerce giant announced it is now selling some models for as low as $50, in exchange for the ability to pre...

  • 苹果最新专利能阻止iPhone在特定场所随意拍照

    Many artists and comedians politely ask the crowd to refrain from snapping pictures and shooting videos during their performance only to be ignored once the show starts. 许多艺术家和喜剧演员都会礼貌地请求观众,不要在他们表演的...

  • 我国打拐被解救儿童1年内找不到父母可被收养

    China has released a new draft regulation for adoption, which for the first time allows children who were abducted to be adopted by mainland residents if the police could not find their biological parents or other guardians within 12 months. 我国日前...

  • 东南亚诸国无惧英国脱欧 唯怕中国经济放缓

    For Southeast Asia, the slowdown of China's economy may have a bigger economic impact than the British vote to leave the European Union. 对东南亚地区来说,中国经济放缓对其经济的影响可能要比英国公投脱欧大得多。 Chin...

  • 更多中国企业快速走向全球舞台

    Rapidly growing companies in various sectors in China and other emerging economies are ascending the international arena, according to a report from Boston Consulting Group. 波士顿咨询公司近日发布的一份报告称,在中国和其他新兴...
