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    Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the biggest names in world's soccer, further extended his stardom to China by joining Sina Weibo, China's answer to Twitter. 世界顶级足球运动员克里斯蒂亚诺罗纳尔多通过开通新浪微博(中国版本的...

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  • 拉美发展需经济变革

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  • 推特即将改版 给用户更多空间发推文!

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  • 马布里电影《纽约人在北京》开拍 众明星加盟

    CBA star Stephon Marbury is to star in a movie about his life in China. The 38-year-old American is a former New York Knicks player. 中职篮明星史蒂芬马布里将要主演一部关于他自己在中国生活的电影。这位38岁的美国人是...

  • 中国在G20的重要作用

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