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    Pop singer Lu Han, once a member of million-selling Chinese-Korean group EXO, posted a snap of himself leaning on the post box on last Friday night. 曾是唱片销量突破百万的中韩演唱团体EXO组合中的一员、现在是中国当红流行歌...

  • 巴西就弹劾总统进行表决

    Brazilian lawmakers have voted to back the impeachment process for President Dilma Rousseff. The lower house of Congress voted late Sunday to send the matter to the Senate, which will consider whether to put Rousseff on trial. A two-thirds majority,...

  • 中国的货币政策将更稳健

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  • IMF:结构改革是增长的关键

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  • 联合国候选人关注和平与发展

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  • 中国财政部长:不关心评级

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  • 日本震后救援行动仍在继续

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