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  • 我国29省份出台户籍改革方案 部分地区放宽落户条件

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    Chinese authorities issued new regulations to ban a number of TV networks' inappropriate hype, reported Beijing Daily. 据北京日报报道,中国政府发布了一项新规定,禁止大量电视剧不适当的炒作。 According to the rules to...

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  • 韩国电视剧《太阳的后裔》风靡整个朝鲜

    Descendants of the Sun is so well received in North Korea even border guards in the country secretly watch the show in their spare time, Radio Free Asia reported. 根据Free Asia电台报道,《太阳的后裔》在朝鲜收获了极高人气,甚至...

  • 共和党提名特朗普成为现实

    WASHINGTONThe long battle for the Republican presidential nomination has now ended, settling on a new leader of the Republican Party: Donald Trump. Republicans nationwide reacted with a mix of disbelief, anger and grudging acceptance Wednesday, revea...
