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  • 埃及一架客机遭劫持 被迫降落塞浦路斯

    An Egyptian passenger plane, EgyptAir MS181, has made an emergency landing on Cyprus after being hijacked by a man wearing a suicide vest. 近日,在被一个身穿自杀式炸弹背心的男人劫持之后,埃及航空公司一家航班号为MS1...

  • FBI绕开苹果 另请高手成功破解加密iPhone

    The FBI has managed to break into the iPhone belonging to alleged San Bernardino gunman Syed Farook without Apple's help. 在没有苹果公司协助的情况下,美国联邦调查局已成功破解圣贝纳迪诺枪击案嫌犯塞义德法鲁克的...

  • 中国最有钱城市排行榜:北京上海深圳仍居前三

    Three of China's big cities -- Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen -- have topped a ranking of the country's richest cities, according to a list released by China Business News, an economic news portal. 据经济新闻门户网站《第一财经日报》发...

  • 撒贝宁和李白登记结婚 这回改小撒国际了

    Famous Chinese TV host Sa Beining officially married Lisa Hoffman, a Canadian celebrity, on Monday. 本周一,中国知名电视节目主持人撒贝宁正式与加拿大籍名人丽萨霍夫曼(中文名李白)结婚。 The two fell in love last y...

  • 外媒:受经济影响,中国涨薪潮已经开始消退

    Rapid wage gains in China that began after the 2009 global financial crisis have begun to fade as the economy slows, and that could create problems for officials trying to boost domestic consumption. 中国的涨薪潮开始于2009年全球性金融危...

  • 埃及航空人质与劫机犯玩自拍

    A passenger from the hijacked EgyptAir flight who had the cheek to take a photograph with his captor is a 26-year-old British man from Leeds. 被劫持的埃及航空班机上,竟有一位乘客跟劫持者合影留念,让人大跌眼镜。这位乘...

  • 网民热衷分享"复活节败笔"

    Like Christmas, Easter is one of the times of year when parents eagerly plans surprises for their children. 和圣诞节一样,复活节是父母热切地为孩子们制造惊喜的节日。 Eggs are hidden, treats baked and stories of the Easter B...

  • 中央军委:军队有偿服务3年内全面停止

    The Central Military Commission (CMC) has planned to gradually terminate all paid services in the military in three years, according to a CMC circular recently issued. 中央军委近日发布的通知指出,计划3年内逐步停止军队和武警部...

  • 告别堵车:飞行汽车明年上市

    Finally, the long-awaited flying car is almost here. 终于,人们期待已久的飞行汽车就要面世了。 AeroMobil, a Slovakian company, plans to start selling its creation, the AeroMobil 3.0, in 2017. 斯洛伐克公司AeroMobil计划在201...

  • 高洪波:是否留任将于四月底揭晓

    The head coach of Chinese soccer team Gao Hongbo will likely remain in his position and lead the team in Asia's final qualifying round of 2018 World Cup after China secured a thrilling win over Qatar on Tuesday, said news portal Sohu. 据新闻门户网...

  • 布鲁塞尔恐袭首位遇难者身

    A mother from Peru was the first victim of last Tuesday's terror attacks in Brussels to be identified. 一名来自秘鲁的母亲成为在上周二布鲁塞尔恐怖袭击中第一位身份得以确认的遇难者。 The South American country's For...

  • 教育部:未来5年资助150万农民工上大学

    The Chinese government will provide free adult education for 1.5 million migrant workers in the next five years to improve literacy and work skills, the Ministry of Education said last Thursday. 教育部上周四表示,我国政府将在未来5年向...

  • 巴基斯坦复活节遭恐怖袭击 已致69死300伤

    At least 69 people including a large number of women and kids were killed and over 300 others injured when a suicide bomber hit a public park in Pakistan's east Lahore city on last Sunday evening, officials said. 据当地政府报道,上周日晚,...

  • 中国政府计划限制"外国"地名的命名

    China is planning to introduce new restrictions on place names because of concerns that too many fail to reflect national culture. 中国正计划出台新的地名限制措施,因为有太多地名不能反映民族的文化。 The country's civic...

  • 人社部回应养老金何时入市:年内就可以启动

    China's pension fund may begin investing in the nation's A-share markets this year, an anticipated move that will channel approximately RMB600b into the equity market and likely improve its liquidity. 我国养老金入市或在今年启动,这一备...
