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  • 美国投10亿美元抗癌计划

    WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 (Xinhua) -- The White House said Monday it will propose to invest 1 billion U.S. dollars over the next two years to support what President Barack Obama called a cancer moonshot to fight the dreaded disease. Obama will ask Congress...

  • 欧洲多国为弥补支出没收难民钱财引争议

    Germany has begun taking cash and sentimental jewellery from wealthier refugees in returnfor aid. 近日,德国方面已经开始从难民身上收取现金和珠宝,以冲抵援助难民的支出。 The measure has been introduced to pay for the...

  • 财政部:新能源汽车补贴政策将逐步取消

    China will end subsidies for new-energy vehicles (NEVs) after 2020, but analysts said onSunday that government support for the sector is still needed. 据报道,中国在2020年以后将会结束新能源汽车补贴政策,但是相关分析人员周...

  • 全面放开高校毕业生等落户限制

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  • 我国国内掀起波斯语学习热

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  • 看看谷歌公司的员工福利!简直好到逆天有木有!

    Google jobs are some of the most sought after positions in the entire tech industry. 在整个高科技行业中,谷歌的工作岗位应该是最抢手的。 Employees who work for the search giant don't have to worry about much besides their work...

  • 万达快速布局娱乐业后的如意算盘

    Chalk up a win for Wanda Group. The unlisted Chinese conglomerate will pay $3.5bn for Legendary Entertainment, the US media company behind films including Jurassic World and The Dark Knight. The deal will be Wandas largest to date, according to Dealo...

  • 中国人赴日抢购纸尿裤

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  • 有人曾出钱让小德故意输掉比赛

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  • 英国政府力推电动汽车

    By announcing a 57-million US dollar extension of its current programme, the UK is signaling that it wants to make electric cars a mainstream option for car buyers. The money will go towards four areas, with proposals like building street lights that...

  • 中国央行出新规打击离岸人民币做空

    China will impose a reserve requirement on offshore renminbi deposits, the central bank said on Monday, in an effort to soak up liquidity and raise the cost of speculating on renminbi depreciation. 中国央行周一表示,中国将对离岸人民币...

  • 中国去年12月房价继续上涨

    Chinese house prices continued to rise in December, according to Chinas National Bureau of Statistics, as the property market looks more attractive amid shaky stock markets. New home prices in 70 large cities rose by an average of 1.6 per cent year-o...

  • 蔡英文胜选后面临两大难题

    Opposition leader Tsai Ing-wen won a historic landslide victory in Saturdays elections but Taiwans president-elect must now turn her attention to the daunting tasks of rejuvenating the islands struggling economy and managing relations with a Chinese...

  • SpaceX卫星运载火箭回收失败

    SpaceX announced a successful satellite launch on Sunday but failed an attempted sea-landing of a rocket booster, missing a goal that has repeatedly eluded the grasp of the Los Angeles-based rocket company. 总部位于旧金山的火箭公司SpaceX上...
