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  • 拼了!巴西将动用"核辐射"绝育技术灭蚊抗寨卡

    Brazil is planning to fight the Zika virus by zapping millions of male mosquitoes with gamma rays to sterilise them and stop the spread of the virus linked to thousands of birth defects. 巴西计划用伽马射线辐照数百万雄性蚊子,使其失...

  • 中国超9千万人患抑郁症

    Lin Jiawen, a talented senior high school student, committed suicide on Wednesday. The 18-year-old had published two academic works on history. Some historians had praised the boy's work, saying it was of better quality than even some Ph.D. candidate...

  • 巴西运用手机应用应对寨卡病毒

    RIO DE JANEIRO, Feb. 24 (Xinhua) -- Various Brazilian cities are turning to mobile apps in the fight against the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, which transmits the Zika virus, chikungunya and dengue, a local official said. While an app does not replace the...

  • 住宅小区不封闭引发网友热议

    A recent central government guideline on urban planning has sparked heated debate among Internet users over opening up gated residential communities to public road system, with an online poll showing that a majority of participants oppose it. 最近中...

  • 2016年1月我国汽车销量上升9.3%

    The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers announced on Friday that passenger car sales totaled 2.2 million units in January, 9.3 percent more than a year earlier, and the production of new-energy vehicles surged by 144 percent. 上周五,中国...

  • 扎克伯格谈iPhone解锁纷争:我们很同情苹果!

    Facebook's chief executive has said he is sympathetic to Apple's position in its clash with the FBI. Facebook的首席执行官扎克伯格近日表示,对苹果公司在与FBI对峙中所处的位置表示同情。 The FBI has ordered Apple to dis...

  • 全球首款柔性屏ReFlex手机亮相:让人惊讶!

    A new flexible smartphone design could change the way users interact with their devices. ReFlex, developed by researchers at Queen's University, uses 'bend sensors' to control app interactions, and simulates physical forces through detailed vibration...

  • 经合组织:上海初中老师堪称"世界最佳"

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  • 迪士尼电影里的穷人被批"太幸福"

    They are the children's film characters loved by generations of fans, rich or poor, across the world. 他们是儿童电影中的角色,深受世界各地一代又一代人的喜爱,无论是富有还是贫穷。 But the Seven Dwarfs, Bert the ch...

  • 摩根费里曼的声音为你导航

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  • 英首相:全民公决将决定是否离开欧盟

    British Prime Minister David Cameron says the results of a referendum on Britain's exit from the European Union will be final. 英国首相卡梅伦说,就英国是否离开欧盟举行的全民公决的结果将是最终决定。 This is a vital d...

  • 世卫总干事到访巴西

    UNITED NATIONS, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- The World Health Organization (WHO) chief, Margaret Chan, is in Brazil to assess the Zika virus situation and response, a UN spokesman said here Tuesday. Chan is visiting Brazil together with the director of the Pa...

  • 厦大马来西亚分校迎来首批学生

    Xiamen University was founded by a Malaysian-Chinese business tycoon, Tan Kah Kee, in 1921. It's now one of the top universities in China, ranking 37th in Asia, and 275th in the 2016 Best Global Universities Rankings published by U.S. News. It's orig...

  • 英国大学食堂将会为中国留学生提供"家乡的味道"

    Chinese students in the United Kingdom can now get a taste of home in their campus canteens. 在英国的中国留学生,现在终于能在学校食堂尝到家乡的味道了。 The UK has 150,000 Chinese students, more than 89,000 of them in high...

  • 杰布·布什宣布退出美国2016总统竞选

    Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said on Saturday he was suspending his US presidential campaign after a disappointing finish in the South Carolina primary. 在南卡罗来纳州的初选中失利的共和党总统竞选人杰布布什于当地...
