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  • 落实两岸领导人会面共识 两岸热线正式启用

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  • 2015年双11失信案增近6成

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  • 2015年中国电影票房超过440亿元:国产片占主导地位

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  • 单身独居者多 纽约微型公寓受捧

    The apartments in a new Manhattan building boast little balconies, tall ceilings, dishwashers and storage space. All in 360 square feet or less. 这是一栋位于曼哈顿的新建公寓楼,号称阳台小巧、垂直空间大,洗碗机、储藏室...

  • 日本企业正在抢滩中国养老育儿市场

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  • 中国银联:约13%消费者遭遇支付欺诈

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  • 日韩两国就解决慰安妇问题达成共识

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  • 央行发布支付新规 微信红包过千元需认证

    The People's Bank of China (PBOC) said on Monday that it would tighten the regulations on non-banking online payment platforms, to curb risks like financial fraud and money laundering. 中国人民银行28日表示,将加强对非银行支付机构网...
